Hazardous Waste Generator Notification Information - 40 CFR 260, 261, 262

Notifications Required by Generators of Hazardous Waste

This page provides basic information for hazardous waste generators and links directly to the appropriate government web pages for the corresponding regulations.

EPA Forms
8700-12 and 8700-23

Notification of Regulated Waste Activity and
Hazardous Waste Permit Application
May 2002

(EPA Form 8700-12 and EPA Form 8700-23)

Notification of Regulated Waste Activity [EPA Form 8700-12] - May, 2002
Instructions and Forms Booklet

This is a newly revised version of the booklet. This booklet is provided to help you determine if you are subject to the requirements under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) for notifying authorized State or EPA of your regulated waste activities. The instructions will assist you in obtaining an EPA Identification Number by completing and submitting the RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form (Site ID Form) [EPA Form 8700-12] for initial notifications or in revising the Site ID Form if you are required to submit a subsequent notification. The instructions also include appendices on typical waste streams produced by small quantity generators and the EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers for typical waste streams.

Notification of Regulated Waste Activity [EPA Form 8700-12] - May, 2002
Instructions and Forms Booklet Adobe Acrobat PDF File
(230 KB) Code of Federal Regulations, Part 261: Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste
40 CFR Part 261
ehso blue lightbar

RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Application[EPA Form 8700-23] - May, 2002
Instructions and Forms Booklet

This is a newly revised version of the booklet. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requires anyone who owns or operates a facility where hazardous waste is treated, stored, or disposed to have a permit. RCRA establishes a procedure for obtaining interim status which allows existing facilities to continue operating until a final hazardous waste permit is issued. This application is required for a Federal permit to treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The instructions explain the process for obtaining a RCRA hazardous waste permit and how to complete the forms for the application. Interim status is also explained. The forms provide required information about a facility and the processes to be used for treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes, the design capacity of such processes, and the specific hazardous wastes to be handled at a facility.

  • RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Applications [EPA Form 8700-23] - May 2002
    Instructions and Forms Booklet
    Adobe Acrobat PDF File (278 KB)
    ehso blue lightbar

    Where can you get information and help with these forms?

    We have listed the addresses and phone numbers of the contacts in each State who can answer your questions and help you understand the Federal and State requirements that apply to you; these are listed in Table 1 of each booklet. Table 2 contains the addresses and phone numbers of contacts in each of the EPA Regional Offices.

    In addition to those contacts, there are several other sources available to help with your questions and provide information on EPA regulations:

  • EPA RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA Call Center. The Call Center provides up-to-date information on several EPA programs and, also, responds to requests for relevant publications and information resources. Please note that the Call Center cannot provide regulatory interpretations. To speak with Information Specialists about regulatory questions or to order publications, call: (800) 424-9346 or in Washington, DC Area - Local (703) 412-9810 TDD (800) 553-7672 or TDD Washington, DC Area - Local (703) 412-3323 The web site for the Call Center is at: http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hotline/index.htm.

  • Find the current RCRA hazardous waste regulations here!

  • Compliance Assistance Centers. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has sponsored partnerships with industry, academic institutions, environmental groups, and other agencies to launch sector-specific Compliance Assistance Centers (Centers). Each Center addresses real world issues in understandable language for you to understand Federal environmental requirements and how to save money through pollution prevention techniques. Visit the Compliance Assistance Centers at: http://www.assistancecenters.net. There are several Centers listed; you may find one for your business.

  • Transportation Environmental Resource Center. If you can't find what you're looking for, you may want to review "Do I Need a Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Number?" and other questions at: http://www.transource.org/Shared_files/epa_id.htm.

  • EPA National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse is a comprehensive source of compliance assistance information and resources. Use web links to Federal, State, local, and other compliance assistance providers to find the tools you need. Visit the Clearinghouse at: http://www.epa.gov/clearinghouse.

  • EPA Small Business Ombudsman Office -- 1-800-368-5888

  • Your Trade Association

ehso blue lightbarGet Adobe Acrobat Some of the documents provided by EPA are in an Adobe Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) file. They can be viewed, and printed, with the use of an Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Adobe Acrobat's Reader is available, free, for Unix, Macintosh, IBM DOS and IBM Windows operating systems. The readers are available directly from Adobe.

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The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Paperback

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The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming

Book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History Paperback

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