Information and downloads of regulations and guides
The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as SARA Title III, was enacted in November 1986. This law provided an infrastructure at the state and local levels to plan for chemical emergencies. Facilities that have spilled hazardous substances, or that store, use, or release certain chemicals are subject to various reporting requirements. All of this information is made publicly available so that interested parties may become informed about potentially dangerous chemicals in their community. Common EPCRA topics include: emergency planning; hazardous chemical inventory reporting; public access to chemical information; toxic chemical release reporting and the Form R; and the toxics release inventory (TRI) database.
Facilities subject to Section 312 of CERCLA must report their discharges of the specified chemicals annually in the EPCRA Chemical Inventory (Form R) Reports. These reports must be submitted to the
They are due by March 1st of each year. For additional information about Tier II, please refer to the software below.
EPA has announced its EPCRA/TRI training workshops during the spring of
2000 (65 FR 10083; February 25, 2000). The workshops are intended to
assist persons preparing their annual reports on release and other waste
management activities as required under EPCRA 313. Registration
information and a schedule of dates and locations are provided in the
Federal Register notice. For further information, please access the
EPCRA Workshop Schedules Federal Register notice, and the EPCRA Hotline at 1-800-424-9346.
Gas Station Update: On February 11, 1999, EPA finalized amendments to hazardous chemical reporting thresholds for gasoline and diesel fuel at retail gas stations pursuant to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA). Specifically, EPA is raising the thresholds that trigger Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) reporting and annual chemical inventory reporting under Sections 311 and 312 of EPCRA. The new thresholds are 75,000 gallons for gasoline and 100,000 gallons for diesel fuel stored entirely underground at retail gas stations that comply with requirements for underground storage tanks (USTs)(40 CFR Part 280). Since the effective date of the rule is February 11, 1999, this final rule provides relief to all qualifying gas stations from annual inventory reports due on March 1, 1999.
Tier II (Software), Section 311/312 (Hazardous
Chemical Reporting)
Tier II (5.0 DOS & WIN) is a free software program that allows a facility to electronically (via diskette) report its yearly EPCRA Section 312 Chemical Inventory Reports.
The latest production copies of ATRS98 for Windows and DOS include the ATRS User's Guide, Quick Reference Guide, and Readme files.