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Updated December 1997 - Doc. No.: 2001
The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is administered through EPA Regions or State offices within those regions that have been granted the authority by EPA. As of October 1997, 42 states and territories have been delegates authority by EPA to administer the NPDES program. Of the delegated states and territories, only the Virgin Islands has not been delegated authority for the storm water general permits program as well. Where permit authority has not been delegated to the state or territory, your facility must apply for a permit directly from EPA, rather than from the state authority. EPA has not delegated authority to the following states and territories: Alaska, Arizona, District of Columbia, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Texas.
EPA issued the new multisector permit (MSGP) on September 30 (63 FR 52429).Facilities covered under the old baseline industrial general permit will be required to seek coverage under the new permit or obtain individual permits by December 29. EPA has modified the MSGP to authorize storm water discharges from previously excluded facilities now covered by the MSGP after expiration of the Baseline Industrial General Permit. EPA also made the following changes to the MSGP as published on September 29, 1995 (60 FR 50804): 1) Authorization of mine dewatering discharges from construction sand and gravel, industrial sand, and crushed stone mines in EPA Regions I, II and X; 2) inclusion in Sector A of the MSGP of the effluent limitation guideline in 40 CFR Part 429, Subpart I for discharges resulting from spray down of lumber and wood products in storage yards (wet decking); 3) clarification that Sectors X and AA authorize discharges from all facilities in major SIC groups 27 and 34 respectively; 4) addition of new Sector AD to the MSGP to authorize discharges from Phase I facilities which may not fall into one of the original sectors of the permit, and selected Phase II discharges which are designated for permitting in accordance with 40 CFR 122.26(g)(1)(i); 5) modification of inspection requirements in Sector I for inactive oil and gas extraction facilities which are remotely located and unstaffed; 6) addition of new Addendum I to provide guidance and information to assist applicants with determining permit eligibility concerning protection of historic properties; and 7)
update of the county/species list of endangered and threatened species
found in Addendum H, and provide a listing of additional sources to
reference for future updates to the list.
Region I Roger Janson, Director | Region II Walter Andrews, Chief |
Region III Bob Koroncai, Chief | Region III Victoria Binetti |
Region IV Douglas Mundrick, Chief | Region V Gene Chaiken, Chief |
Region VI Jack V. Ferguson, Chief | Region VII Wolfgang Brandner, Chief |
Region VIII Steve Tuber, Director, Water Program | Region IX Terry Oda, Chief |
Region X Bob Robichaud, Manager |
State Contacts
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