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Indoor Air Quality - More Free Publications from the EPA and Other Agencies - Issues, Guidance, Information and News

Even More Free Indoor Air Quality Publications from the EPA and Other Agencies

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Publications Organized by Topic

[The publications listed in this table represent examples of what types of items fall within the categories, this is not a comprehensive list. The publications are grouped into topic categories, descriptions are included. Some publications are available as both HTML and PDF files.] You can download or print your own copy from this page. If you don't have a printer, you can order a printed copy: To order a printed copy of ANY of these publications, please click here.
Quick Index
#Asthma - web site - IAQ IN HOMES/RESIDENCES - web site -
"Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers: Your Children will Breathe Easier" [En Español]
Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook
"The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality"
"Should You Have the Air Ducts In Your Home Cleaned?"
"Ozone Generators That Are Sold As Air Cleaners"
"Fact Sheet: Flood Cleanup - Avoiding Indoor Air Quality Problems"
Carbon Monoxide - CO page - IAQ IN LARGE BUILDINGS/OFFICES - web site -
"Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning" [En Español]
"The Senseless Killer"
IAQ Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM)
"Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers"
"Building Air Quality Action Plan"
"An Office Building Occupant's Guide to IAQ"
"Setting the Record Straight"
"Children and Secondhand Smoke" [En Español]
"Secondhand Smoke: What You Can Do As Parents, Decisionmakers, and Building Occupants" [En Español]
"A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home"
"Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings"
Mold Resources
"Fact Sheet: Flood Cleanup - Avoiding Indoor Air Quality Problems"
IAQ Design Tools for Schools web site -
"IAQ Tools for Schools Kit"
"Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program: Benefits of Improving Air Quality in the Indoor Environment"
"Managing Asthma in the School Environment"
Case Studies
"IAQ and Student Performance"
"A Citizen's Guide to Radon" [En Español]
"Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction"
"Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon" [En Español]

radon resistant new construction
Radon Technical Documents

Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals
American Lung Association's Fact Sheets
National Safety Council's Environmental Health Center's Air Quality Fact Sheets
Asthma -
Clear Your Home of Asthma Triggers: Your Children Will Breathe Easier

Learn about simple steps you can take to reduce the five most common asthma triggers in your home to improve your and/or your children's asthma. This brochure educates readers about environmental asthma triggers, and highlights the importance of controlling them in order to avoid provoking asthma episodes. It describes five asthma triggers, and suggests simple measures to help curb their presence in the home. The brochure is suitable for a broad audience, with a particular emphasis on parents and care givers of asthmatics. [EPA 402-F-99-005, July 1999] A PDF version of this brochure is available in English (asthma.trifold.pdf - 244 KB)

Español (Mantenga su hogar libre de los factores que pueden provocar el asma �Sus ni�os respirar�n mejor! [EPA 402-F-99-005D, July 1999] (asthma.trifold.spanish.pdf - 280 KB PDF file)).

Also available in Chinese [EPA 402-F-99-005A, September 1999]; Korean [EPA 402-F-99-005C, September 1999]; and, Vietnamese [EPA 402-F-99-005B, September 1999]

Dusty The Asthma Goldfish and His Asthma Triggers Funbook

This is an educational tool to help parents and children learn more about asthma triggers. Available as an adobe acrobat PDF - dustythegoldfish_en.pdf (1.06MB file) [EPA 402-F-04-008]

PARA PADRES E HIJOS - �chele un vistazo a la nueva revista de mu�equitos del EPA, Dusty La Carpa Dorada del Asma y Sus Provocadores de Asma. La revista es una herramienta educacional para ayudar a padres e hijos a conocer m�s sobre las cosas que provocan los ataques de asma. Disponible en Ingl�s y Español dustythegoldfish_sp.pdf [EPA 402-F-04-009]

Los Trucos del FantASMA del Asma

NCLR's Institute for Hispanic Health (IHH) is proud to announce its new children's storybook, Los Trucos del FantASMA del Asma. Developed in Spanish, this educational family story chronicles with amazing illustrations and a catchy storyline the antics of the devious FantASMA del asma (asthma phantom) and the adverse respiratory effects it has on a young asthmatic boy named Vin. The FantASMA literally symbolizes the asthma triggers that can be found in the home to which the Torres family has recently moved. While Vin's parents are unpacking, the FantASMA convinces Vin to play hide-and-seek with him. The phantom magically proceeds to transform himself into several different asthma triggers, causing the boy to become sick. By the story's end, Vin and his parents have made changes in the maintenance of their home and are finally able to expel the FantASMA del Asma. For more information on how to view or how to order this storybook, go to

Check out the first issue of EPA's Asthma Newsletter

This newsletter highlights outreach and education efforts related to EPA's Asthma Initiative. You will read about new partnerships, World Asthma Day activities, a successful media campaign, and much more [a 83KB Adobe Acrobat PDF file - asthma_bulletin_03_04_03.pdf] [EPA 402-F-02-036]

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Carbon Monoxide -
Protect Your Family and Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Discusses health hazards associated with exposure to carbon monoxide (CO), a colorless, odorless gas which can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, faintness, and, at high levels, death. Provides guidance on what to do if you think you are suffering from CO poisoning and what to do to prevent exposure to CO. Also included is a brief discussion about carbon monoxide detectors. [EPA 402-F-96-005, October 1996]

Proteja su vida y la de su familia: Evite el envenenamiento con mon�xido de carbono [EPA 402-F-97-004]

The Carbon Monoxide fact sheet has also been translated into: Vietnamese [EPA 402-F-99-004C], Chinese [EPA 402-F-99-004A] , and Korean [EPA 402-F-99-004B]

What You Should Know About Combustion Appliances and Indoor Air Pollution

Answers commonly-asked questions about the effect of combustion appliances (e.g., fuel-burning furnaces, space heaters, kitchen ranges, and fireplaces) on indoor air quality and human health. Describes other sources of combustion pollutants in and around the home. Suggests ways to reduce exposure to such pollutants and encourages proper installation, use, and maintenance of combustion appliances. This brochure was prepared by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the American Lung Association, and the EPA. [EPA 400-F-91-100, 1991]

The "Senseless" Killer

Describes symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, sources of carbon monoxide in the home, and actions that can reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. This leaflet was prepared by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, CPSC Publication #CPSC-464, 1993.

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Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)/Secondhand Smoke (SHS)/Smoke-free Homes -
Secondhand Smoke: What You Can Do As Parents, Decisionmakers, and Building Occupants

Defines secondhand smoke and describes health risks from exposure to secondhand smoke. This leaflet provides steps to take to reduce the health risks of passive smoking in the home, in the workplace, in restaurants and bars, and other indoor places. U.S. EPA. [EPA 402-F-93-004, July 1993]

HUMO de segunda mano: �Qu� puede hacer usted sobre el humo de segunda mano como padre, personal directivo y ocupante de un edificio? [EPA 402-F-93-004A]
(This brochure is also available in Chinese from IAQ INFO, use the reference number [EPA-402-F-93-004B]

Setting the Record Straight: Secondhand Smoke is a Preventable Health Risk

Provides detailed responses to the specific criticisms of EPA's assessment of lung cancer data included in the 1993 EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) report, Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders (EPA/600/6-90/006 F) [The ETS Risk Assessment is also available from IAQ INFO]. EPA stands by its 1992 report, which found that secondhand smoke causes lung cancer in nonsmoking adults and increases the risk of bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma in children. [EPA 402-F-94-005, June 1994]

Children and Secondhand Smoke

This straightforward black&white brochure was specifically designed for easy distribution. A PDF version of the brochure is also available that can be printed off and copied for distribution. The brochure exemplifies the focus of the Indoor Environments Program's efforts to minimize the exposure of secondhand smoke to children indoors. [EPA 402-F-99-003, March 1999]

Este folleto en blanco y negro, escrito en forma clara y sencilla, fue dise�ado especificamente para una distribuci�n f�cil. Una versi�n en PDF (67KB) del folleto tambi�n se puede imprimir y copiar para ser distribuida. El folleto ejemplifica el enfoque en los esfuerzos del Programa de Ambientes Interiores para minimizar la exposici�n de los ni�os al humo de tabaco de segunda mano en ambientes interiores. [El n�mero de folleto de la EPA (siglas en ingl�s) es el 402-F-99-003, marzo de 1999]

Fact Sheet: Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking

Describes EPA's major assessment of the respiratory health risks associated with exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Cancer and Other Disorders (EPA/600/6-90/006 F). This landmark assessment concluded that widespread exposure to ETS in the U.S. presents a serious and substantial public health risk. [EPA 43-F-93-003, January 1993]

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Schools/IAQ Tools for Schools/IAQ in Schools - IAQ Design Tools for Schools -
Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Action Kit

This easy-to-use kit shows schools how to carry out a practical plan of action that will maintain or improve indoor air quality at little or no cost using common-sense activities and in-house staff. The kit was developed by EPA, and is co-sponsored by the National Education Association, National PTA, Council for American Private Education, Association for School Business Officials, American Federation of Teachers, and the American Lung Association. This hyperlink will take you to the schools web site where there is information on how to order the kit (All of the Kit, except for the IAQ Problem Solving Wheel, is available as HTML and PDF documents.). [EPA-402-K-95-001, May 1995]

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Communications Guide

The Communications Guide offers ideas and resources for developing and carrying out activities that communicate the benefits of participating in an indoor air quality (IAQ) management program. This practical guide is designed to help members of a school's IAQ team communicate--both internally and externally. Good communication helps your team gain the continuing support of key stakeholders, making your team's job easier. Raising awareness of good IAQ practices among administrators, school board members, the community, teachers and the local media will build support for your team's efforts to improve trust and collaboration while decreasing liability. The Guide is also available in PDF format [communication_guide.pdf]. [EPA 402-K-02-008, January 2003]

Find Information on Healthy School Environments Faster

EPA has launched a new "one-stop" shopping Healthy School Environments Web Portal to help schools address environmental health issues and improve their school facilities. Available in PDF version, in both color and black and white, this flyer will help you advertise the Healthy School Environments Web Portal to K-12 schools and other interested stakeholders. [EPA 402-F-02-029, March 2003]

[healthy_schools_portal_color.pdf | healthy_schools_portal_ bw.pdf]

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program: Benefits of Improving Air Quality in the Indoor Environment

A new full-color brochure with sections highlighting a range of benefits of using the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program. The sections include successful outcomes in schools (health benefits and costs savings), research on IAQ and schools (cost savings, performance, health effects), mold, asthma and a detailed reference section. The brochure is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (tfsprogram_brochure.pdf 1.8MB file). [EPA-402-K-02-005, October 2002]

IAQ Tools for Schools Bulletin: Asthma and Allergy

Since asthma is a leading cause of school absenteeism, approximately 10 million school days missed per year, the EPA has devoted this Bulletin issue to addressing asthma in schools. This Bulletin presents information about: asthma triggers found in schools; ways to manage asthma; several schools and organizations that are making IAQ a priority; and the release of EPA's mold guidance document. The bulletin is a available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (asthma_allergy_bulletin.pdf - a 1.66MB file). [EPA 402-F-01-019]

Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings

This document, available in HTML and PDF format (5MB file), presents guidelines for the remediation/cleanup of mold and moisture problems in schools and commercial buildings; these guidelines include measures designed to protect the health of building occupants and remediators. It has been designed primarily for building managers, custodians, and others who are responsible for commercial building and school maintenance. It should serve as a reference for potential mold and moisture remediators. [EPA 402-K-01-001, March 2001]

Indoor Air Quality and Student Performance

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) can cause or exacerbate illnesses in children and adults, which in turn leads to absence from school. Poor IAQ can cause health symptoms that decrease performance while at school. Recent data suggest that poor IAQ can reduce a person's ability to perform specific mental tasks requiring concentration, calculation, or memory. Poor indoor air, containing a variety of particles and gaseous contaminants, most often occurs when schools fail to follow simple practices that create and maintain a healthy indoor environment. EPA has developed a three-page fact sheet that presents more information about the problem of poor IAQ, its causes, health consequences, and solutions. [EPA 402-F-00-009, February 2003 Revised] The document is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (iaq_and_student_performance.pdf a 283KB file).

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Case Studies

Schools and school districts across the nation are reaping the benefits of improved indoor air quality by successfully implementing the IAQ Tools for Schools Kit and program. EPA has developed case studies describing the experiences and processes associated with implementing good Indoor Air Quality strategies and practices. Each school profiled has overcome different barriers -- financial, legal, managerial, health-related, or community-related -- through teamwork and a strong commitment to providing a healthy learning environment for students and staff. Help others learn from your experiences! If you have an IAQ story to share, please contact Michele Guarneiri. [EPA 402-F-00-010A, B & C, August 2000]

Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Flyer

This simple one-page flyer provides a brief overview of the Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools (IAQ TfS) Program and the resources available to help you implement a proactive IAQ management plan today. The (IAQ TfS) Program is a comprehensive resource that can help you maintain a healthy environment in your school buildings, by identifying, correcting, and preventing IAQ problems. Nearly 56 million people in the U.S. spend their day in our nation's elementary and secondary schools. According to the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics in 1999, 43% of American schools--about 33,800--reported at least one unsatisfactory environmental condition. Approximately 20% reported unsatisfactory indoor air quality which can impact the comfort, health and performance of students and staff. The flyer is available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file - iaq_tfs_factsheet.pdf. [EPA 402-F-03-011, March 2003]

CD-Rom Based IAQ Tools for Schools Training Modules

EPA is currently distributing a CD-ROM (EPA Document # EPA402-C-99-002) containing IAQ Tools for Schools Training Modules. These Modules were designed to assist in the training of school district personnel in the use of EPA's IAQ Tools for Schools Action Kit. The modules on the CD consist of three main components in a Microsoft Powerpoint slide show format: a 40-minute Short Presentation; Module 1; and, Module 2. This web site has PDF versions of the slide shows and detailed information on what is on the CD and hints on using the CD. [EPA 402-C-99-002]

IAQ Tools for Schools - Managing Asthma in the School Environment

Asthma has reached epidemic proportions in the United States affecting about 15 million people of all ages and races, particularly children. Nearly one in 13 school-aged children has asthma, and the percentage of children with asthma is rising more rapidly in preschool-aged children than in any other age group. Asthma is the leading cause of school absenteeism due to a chronic illness, accounting for over 10 million missed school days per year. Asthma also accounts for many nights of interrupted sleep, limitation of activity, and disruption of family and care-giver routines. Asthma symptoms which are not severe enough to require a visit to an emergency room or to a physician can still be serious enough to prevent a child with asthma from living a fully active life. [EPA 402-K-00-003, May 2000]

IAQ Tools for Schools - Actions to Improve IAQ

EPA's Indoor Environments Division has designed a new tool to promote IAQ Tools for Schools. The content of this brochure will assist you in marketing the IAQ Tools for SchoolsKit to K-12 schools and other interested stakeholders. A unique feature of this new tool is that it provides newly-created information on IAQ Tools for Schools with four insert cards with guidance and action items for facility managers, teachers, administrators, and health professionals. Also provided are newly-created tips on community sponsorship of IAQ programs in schools. [EPA 402-F-99-008, September 1999]

Radon in Schools Brochure (2nd Edition) [EPA 402-F-94-009, October 1994]

Abstract and ordering information for "Reducing Radon in Schools: A Team Approach [EPA 402-R-94-008, April 1994]

Abstract and ordering information for "Radon Measurement in Schools (Revised Edition)" [EPA 402-R-92-014, July 1993]

Abstract and ordering information for "Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings," [EPA 625-R-92-016, June 1994]

Abstract and ordering information for "Radon Measurement in Schools" (Self-Paced Training Workbook) [EPA 402-B-94-001, 1994]

Description and ordering information for The U.S. General Accounting Office reports to Congressional requesters on School Facilities.

The EPA also has available, an "Introduction to Indoor Air Quality: A Self-Paced Learning Module," from the National Environmental Health Association, 720 Colorado Boulevard, #970 South Tower, Denver, Colorado 80222. Telephone: (303) 756-9090. The Learning Module may be obtained for $47.00 by non-members and $40.00 by members.

Pesticides: Uses, Effects and Alternatives to Pesticides in Schools, U.S. General Accounting Office, Report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Governmental Affairs, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, U.S. Senate, November 29, 1999, GAO/RCED-00-17.

Orders by mail: U.S. General Accounting Office; P.O. Box 37050; Washington, DC 20013, or Visit: Room 110, 700 4th St., N.W.; U.S. General Accounting Office, Washington, DC, or call (202) 512-6000 or by fax (202) 512-6061, or TDD (202) 512-2537. You can also visit their web site at: or send e-mail to [email protected].

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IAQ in Homes/Residences -
The Inside Story: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality

This is our most popular and comprehensive publication on the subject of Indoor Air Quality. It describes sources of air pollution in the home and office, corrective strategies, and specific measures for reducing pollutant levels. This illustrated booklet covers all major sources of pollution such as radon, household chemicals, biological contaminants, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, pesticides, asbestos, and lead. Includes a glossary and a list of sources for additional information. Written in easy-to-understand language for the general consumer. U.S. EPA and U.S. CPSC, [EPA 402-K-93-007, April 1995] This document is also available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (the_inside_story.pdf - a 120KB file).

Should You Have the Air Ducts In Your Home Cleaned?

This publication is intended to help consumers answer this often confusing question. The guide explains what air duct cleaning is, provides guidance to help consumers decide whether to have the service performed in their home, and provides helpful information for choosing a duct cleaner, determining if duct cleaning was done properly, and how to prevent contamination of air ducts. [EPA-402-K-97-002, October 1997] This document is also available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (airducts.pdf - 391KB file).

Ozone Generators That Are Sold As Air Cleaners

The purpose of this document (which is only available via this web site) is to provide accurate information regarding the use of ozone-generating devices in indoor occupied spaces. This information is based on the most credible scientific evidence currently available. Whether in its pure form or mixed with other chemicals, ozone can be harmful to health. Some studies show that ozone concentrations produced by ozone generators can exceed health standards even when one follows manufacturer's instructions. Available scientific evidence shows that, at concentrations that do not exceed public health standards, ozone is generally ineffective in controlling indoor air pollution. The public is advised to use proven methods of controlling indoor air pollution. This document is only available on this web site -

Fact Sheet: Residential Air Cleaners - Indoor Air Facts No. 7

Discusses air cleaning as a method of reducing pollutants in indoor air. Lists types of air cleaners for the home, factors to consider in selecting an air cleaner, and sources of additional information. [EPA 20A-4001, February 1990]

Fact Sheet: Use and Care of Home Humidifiers - Indoor Air Facts No. 8

Explains that some types of home humidifiers can disperse microorganisms from their water tanks into the indoor air. Describes the different types of humidifiers and provides recommendations for their use and maintenance. [EPA 402-F-91-101, February 1991]

Fact Sheet: Flood Cleanup: Avoiding Indoor Air Quality Problems

Discusses steps to take when cleaning and repairing a home after flooding. Excess moisture in the home is cause for concern about indoor air quality primarily because it provides breeding conditions for microorganisms. This recently revised fact sheet provides tips to avoid creating indoor air quality problems during cleanup. [EPA 402-F-93-005, Revised October 2003] This fact sheet is also available as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file (floods.pdf - a 97KB file)

Residential Air-Cleaning Devices: A Summary of Available Information

Describes the general types of residential air cleaners and their effectiveness in reducing pollutants such as particles and gaseous contaminants. This detailed booklet discusses additional factors to consider when deciding whether to use an air cleaner, and provides guidelines to compare them. [EPA 400-1-90-002, February 1990]

Asbestos in Your Home

This document discusses health effects of asbestos exposure, identifies common products and building materials from the past that might contain asbestos, and describes conditions which may cause release of asbestos fibers. Describes how to identify materials that contain asbestos and how to control an asbestos problem. Explains role of asbestos professionals and use of asbestos inspectors and removal contractors. This brochure was prepared by the American Lung Association, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the EPA. [EPA 400-K-90-100, 1990]

Biological Pollutants in Your Home

This document explains indoor biological pollution, health effects of biological pollutants, and how to control their growth and buildup. One third to one half of all structures have damp conditions that may encourage development of pollutants such as molds and bacteria, which can cause allergic reactions--including asthma--and spread infectious diseases. Describes corrective measures for achieving moisture control and cleanliness. This brochure was prepared by the American Lung Association and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. [EPA 402-F-90-102, January 1990]

What You Should Know About Using Paint Strippers

Paint strippers contain chemicals that loosen paint from surfaces. These chemicals can harm you if not used properly. Some paint stripping chemicals can irritate the skin and eyes, or cause headaches, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, or loss of coordination. Some may cause cancer, reproductive problems, or damage of the liver, kidney, or brain. Others catch fire easily. Proper handling and use of paint strippers will reduce your exposure to these chemicals and lessen your health risk. This brochure was prepared with EPA and the U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, February 1995, CPSC Publication # F-747-F-95-002.

The U.S. EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), in cooperation with the Montgomery County, Maryland Department of Environmental Protection has published a brochure on, "Healthy Indoor Painting Practices," which is available as a downloadable PDF file from the CPSC web site ( or from EPA at: This safety guide was formulated for residents, property managers and painters who are strongly urged to follow several simple steps to reduce possible adverse reactions to chemicals emitted from paints. The brochure is also available in Spanish [EPA 744-F-00-011, May 2000]

An Update on Formaldehyde

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, with assistance of EPA, developed this brochure to provide information about formaldehyde in indoor air. The brochure tells consumers where they may come in contact with formaldehyde, how it may affect their health, and how their exposure to formaldehyde might be reduced. The publication was updated by CPSC in 1997.

Candles and Incense as Potential Sources of Indoor Air Pollution: Market Analysis and Literature Review

This report, authored by the Office of Research and Development, summarizes available information on candles and incense as potential sources of indoor air pollution. It covers market information and a review of the scientific literature. The market information collected focuses on production and sales data, typical uses in the U.S., and data on the sources and quantities of imported products. Office of Research and Development [EPA 600/R-01/001, March 2001]

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IAQ in Large Buildings/Offices -
IAQ Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM)

EPA's I-BEAM program is the newest and most advanced IAQ guidance for building professionals. IAQ-Building Education and Assessment Model (I-BEAM) is packed with up to date information, text modules, animations and graphic displays of air and pollution flows, checklists, forms, search capabilities, web links, and budget assessment tools. It updates and expands EPA's original BAQ guidance. You can download or install I-BEAM directly from the web. Four download/install options have been provided to fit your individual computer or network needs. Go to the Download/Install I-BEAM page for specific computer system requirements and to download/install I-BEAM. Go to the web version....

I-BEAM is also available on CD ROM [EPA 402-C-01-001]. To obtain your free CD ROM copy contact the IAQ INFO Clearinghouse at 1-800-438-4318 or via e-mail at [email protected] (be sure to ask for EPA 402-C-01-001).

Energy Cost and IAQ Performance of Ventilation Systems and Controls Modeling Study

In 1999, EPA completed an extensive modeling study to assess the compatibilities and trade-offs between energy, indoor air quality, and thermal comfort objectives for HVAC systems, and to help formulate strategies to simultaneously achieve superior performance on each objective. Variations of Constant Volume (CV) and Variable Air Volume (VAV) HVAC systems were modeled in three different climates-hot and humid (Miami), temperate (Washington D.C.), and cold (Minneapolis). Buildings included several variations of an office building, plus a school, and an auditorium.

Building Air Quality Action Plan

The Building Air Quality Action Plan (BAQ Action Plan) meets the needs of building owners and managers who want an easy-to-understand path for taking their building from current conditions and practices to the successful institutionalization of good IAQ management practices. It emphasizes changing how you operate and maintain your building, not increasing the amount of work or cost of maintaining your building. The BAQ Action Plan follows 8 logical steps and includes a 100-item Checklist that is designed to help verify implementation of the Action Plan. [EPA 402-K-98-001]

In order to use the Building Air Quality Action Plan effectively, one must have a thorough understanding of the concepts and practice of managing indoor air quality, an understanding that can be gained from a thorough reading of Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers (BAQ). In addition, there is extensive internal referencing of this BAQ Action Plan to the original BAQ guide, making it helpful and easy to use both documents together.

Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers

The Building Air Quality, developed by the EPA and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, provides practical suggestions on preventing, identifying, and resolving indoor air quality (IAQ) problems in public and commercial buildings. This guidance provides information on factors affecting indoor air quality; describes how to develop an IAQ profile of building conditions and create an IAQ management plan; describes investigative strategies to identify causes of IAQ problems; and provides criteria for assessing alternative mitigation strategies, determining whether a problem has been resolved, and deciding whether to consult outside technical specialists. Other topics included in the guide are key problem causing factors; air quality sampling; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems; moisture problems; and additional sources of information. The order form is available from IAQ INFO via [EPA 402-F-91-102, December 1991]

The text of Building Air Quality is available here as a series of PDF files which you can download and view or print. You can go to the table of contents and select just the form or section that you need to download and view/print, or you can download the entire PDF version of the guide as a ZIPPED file to view/print. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files and you will need a utility to unzip the file, both are provided here. Go to the Building Air Quality Table of Contents and select the specific PDF file that you require. To obtain the loose leaf-format version of the Building Air Quality, complete with appendices, an index, and a full set of useful forms, GPO Stock # 055-000-00602-4, for $28, contact the: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, or call (202) 512-1800, fax (202) 512-2250.

Information on how to order the "Building Air Quality Training Kit" with instructor materials and handouts to conduct a 4-hour companion course ($150.00) to Building Air Quality: A Guide for Building Owners and Facility Managers, listed above is available through the IAQ INFO Clearinghouse.

Information on how to order the "Orientation to Indoor Air Quality" instructor and student materials used to conduct a 21/2 day training course ($180.00) is available through the IAQ INFO Clearinghouse.

An Office Building Occupant's Guide to Indoor Air Quality

This booklet is intended to help people who work in office buildings learn about the factors that contribute to indoor air quality and comfort problems and the roles of building managers and occupants in maintaining a good indoor environment. Because good indoor air quality depends on the actions of everyone in the building, a partnership between building management and occupants is the best way to maintain a healthy and productive work space. [EPA 402-K-97-003, October 1997]

Targeting Indoor Air Pollution: EPA's Approach and Progress

Summarizes the relationship between indoor air quality and health, EPA's program and approach for dealing with indoor air pollution, and authorizing legislation. This leaflet describes publications, training programs, and research activities. [EPA 400-R-92-012, March 1993]

Fact Sheet: Ventilation and Air Quality in Offices

Discusses the role of mechanical heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in maintaining indoor air quality of commercial buildings such as offices, stores, and hotels. Topics include health problems associated with poor ventilation, ways of controlling pollution, ventilation standards and building codes, and various ventilation system problems and solutions. Provides measures for resolving air quality problems and sources for additional information. [EPA 402-F-94-003, Revised July 1990]

Fact Sheet: Sick Building Syndrome

Explains the terms "sick building syndrome" (SBS) and "building related illness" (BRI). Discusses causes of sick building syndrome, describes building investigation procedures, and provides general solutions for resolving the syndrome. Indoor Air Facts No. 4 (revised) [EPA 402-F-94-004, April 1991]

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"A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home"

This Guide provides information and guidance for homeowners and renters on how to clean up residential mold problems and how to prevent mold growth. Available here in HTML and PDF formats. [EPA 402-K-02-003]

Una Breve Guia para el Moho, la Humedad y su Hogar est� disponible en el formato PDF (moldguide_sp.pdf - 796KB file). Documento de la agencia EPA n�mero 402-K-03-008.

"Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings"

This document presents guidelines for the remediation/cleanup of mold and moisture problems in schools and commercial buildings; these guidelines include measures designed to protect the health of building occupants and remediators. It has been designed primarily for building managers, custodians, and others who are responsible for commercial building and school maintenance. It should serve as a reference for potential mold and moisture remediators. Available here in HTML and PDF (5MB file size) formats. [EPA 402-K-01-001, March 2001]

Mold Resources

Available here in HTML and PDF formats.

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A Citizen's Guide to Radon (fourth edition) The guide to protecting yourself and your family from radon.

This recently revised guidance offers strategies for testing your home for radon and discussions of what steps to take after you have tested, discussions of the risk of radon and radon myths. Also available as an Adobe Acrobat pdf file (citizensguide4.pdf) [EPA 402-K02-006, Revised May 2002]

El Rad�n Guia para su protecci�n y la de su familia

Este panfleto, la versi�n en Español de la popular "Guia de Rad�n para Ciudadanos," fu� desarrollada por la Coalici�n Nacional de Organizaciones Hispanas de Servicios (COSSMHO) para la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para la Proteccti�n Ambiental. Llame a su Contacto Estatal de Rad�n para obtener una copia de esta guia (Todas las Oficinas Estatalas de Rad�n est�n disponibles para contestar sus llamadas y preguntas en Ingl�s). Documento de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para la Protecci�n Ambiental N�mero 402-K-93-005, septiembre del 1993.

Consumer's Guide to Radon Reduction How to Reduce Radon Levels in Your Home...

This recently updated booklet is for people who have tested their home for radon and confirmed that they have elevated radon levels. Also available as an adobe acrobat pdf file (consguid.pdf) [EPA Document Number 402-K-03-002]

Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon

This recently revised guide is intended for anyone who is buying or selling a home, real estate and relocation professionals, home inspectors and others. Go to this hyperlink Section 8.c.1. of the Guide for information on obtaining single or multiple copies of the Guide.
If you're interested in printing the Guide, call (202) 343-9427 for more information about obtaining a free CD-Rom (Adobe PageMaker 6.5 for Windows version of the Guide). An Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the Guide is also available here hmbuygud.pdf (1.789K file size). [EPA 402-K-00-008, July 2000]

Guia del Radon para el Comprador y Vendedor de Viviedas

El presente folleto est� destinado a toda persona que est� en proceso de comprar o vender una vivienda, a los profesionales de bienes raices y traslados, a los inspectores de viviendas y a otras personas. Vaya a la Secci�n 8.c.1, en este supervinculo, para conseguir informaci�n sobre como obtener uno o varios ejemplares de esta Guia. Si est� interesado en imprimir este folleto, llame al (202) 343-9427 donde obtendr� m�s informaci�n sobre c�mo obtener un CD.Rom (Adobe PageMaker 6.5 para Windows). Este es el n�mero de documento de EPA 402-K-02-001, julio de 2002. Adem�s, puede obtenerse aqui una versi�n en Adobe Acrobat pdf de la Guia: hmbuyguidsp.pdf (dimensi�n del archivo 620K)

Reducing Radon Risks (the "Hold Your Breath" brochure)

[EPA 520/1-89-027A, September 1992]

Learning About Radon A Part Of Nature

Written for Native Americans, this 18-page booklet discusses radon's place in the world, the basics on testing, and how homes can be fixed to reduce radon levels. Native Americans should contact their Tribal health department or state radon program office for more information. EPA Document Number 402-K-02-002, February 2002. Copies can be ordered from the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Information Clearinghouse at 1-800-438-4318.

Radon - A Physician's Guide: EPA Radon - PhysicsThe Health Threat With A Simple Solution

This booklet on radon has been developed for physicians by the EPA in consultation with the American Medical Association (AMA). Its purpose is to enlist physicians in the national effort to inform the American public about the serious health risk posed by indoor radon gas. [EPA 402-K-93-008, September 1993]

A Radon Guide for Tenants

This guide, created by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) with EPA's review, is for people who rent their apartments or houses. The guide explains what radon is, and how to find out if there is a radon problem in your home. The guide also talks about what you can do if there are high radon levels in your home. [EPA 402-K-98-004]

Radon in Schools (Second Edition)

It is important that students, teachers and parents be aware that a potential radon problem could exist in their school. This brochure was developed in cooperation with the National Education Association, The American Lung Association, and the Parents and Teachers Association. [EPA 402-F-94-009, October 1994]

Radon Measurement in Schools (Revised Edition)

This report has been prepared to provide school administrators and facilities managers with instructions on how to test for the presence of radon. The findings from EPA's comprehensive studies of radon measurements in schools have been incorporated into these recommendations. This report supersedes Radon Measurements in Schools - An Interim Report (EPA 520/1-89-010). However, it does not invalidate tests conducted or tests in the process of being conducted under the interim report. [EPA 402-R-92-014, July 1993]

Reducing Radon in Schools: A Team Approach

This document will assist you in determining the best way to reduce elevated radon levels found in a school. It is designed to guide you through the process of confirming a radon problem, selecting the best mitigation strategy, and directing the efforts of a multidisciplinary team assembled to address elevated radon levels in a way that will contribute to the improvement of the overall indoor air quality of the school. [EPA 402-R-94-008, April 1994]


Building Radon Out: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Build Radon-Resistant Homes

This 81-page, fully illustrated guide contains all the info you need in one place to educate home builders about radon-resistant new construction (RRNC), including: Basic questions and detailed answers about radon and RRNC; Specific planning steps before installing a system; Detailed installation instructions with helpful illustrations; Tips and tricks when installing a system, Marketing know-how when dealing with homebuyers; and, Architectural drawings. This document is available here as a 7.9 MB Adobe Acrobat PDF file (buildradonout.pdf) [EPA 402-K-01-002, April 2001]

Model Standards and Techniques for Control of Radon in New Residential Buildings

This document is intended to serve as a model for use by the Model Code Organizations, States and other jurisdictions as they develop and adopt building codes, appendices to codes, or standards specifically applicable to their unique local or regional radon control requirements. [EPA 402-R-94-009, March 1994]

Buying a New Home: How to Protect Your Family From Radon

This introductory brochure provides basic information on radon-resistant construction in new homes and directs the reader to more detailed information. [EPA 402-F-98-008, April 1998]

Building a New Home: Have You Considered Radon?

This brochure is designed for consumers who are purchasing newly constructed homes and are curious about radon-resistant features, builders who construct homes with radon-resistant features, and real estate professionals who are selling homes which have radon-resistant features. It can be used as a marketing tool for the home building industry. [EPA 402F-98-001, September 1998]

Passive Radon Control System for New Construction

These architectural drawings of: 1) passive radon control system; 2) crawlspace radon control system, and 3) additional fan for active system for one and two-family dwellings. These drawings are intended for use by architects, home builders, designers, radon mitigators and others interested in the installation of passive radon control systems in one and two-family dwellings. You can get a 522K zipped file for use with CAD programs). Or you can download a PDF (985K) version of the drawings.

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Radon Mitigation Standards

The purpose of the Radon Mitigation Standards is to provide radon mitigation contractors with uniform standards that will ensure quality and effectiveness in the design, installation, and evaluation of radon mitigation systems in detached and attached residential buildings three stories or less in height. These standards are intended to serve as a model set of requirements that can be adopted or modified by state and local jurisdictions to fulfill objectives of their specific radon contractor certification or licensure programs. [EPA 402-R-93-078, October 1993 (Revised April 1994)]

EPA Incorporates ASTMI E2121 By Reference EPA has incorporated E2121 by reference and retained EPA's Radon Mitigation Standards (RMS) in effect until at least 2006. This decision is consistent with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-119 on Federal participation in the development and use of voluntary consensus standards, and the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) of 1995. The policy discussion and response to comments paper is available here as a PDF file (final_e2121policy.pdf). If you have questions concerning this policy, contact either Philip Jalbert ([email protected]) or Eugene Fisher ([email protected]).

Indoor Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurement Device Protocols

The objective of this document is to provide information, recommendations, and technological guidance for anyone providing measurement services using 15 radon and radon decay product measurement methods. These protocols provide method-specific technological guidance that can be used as the basis for standard operating procedures. [EPA 402-R-92-004, July 1992]

Protocols for Radon and Radon Decay Product Measurements in Homes

This document presents the U.S. EPA's technical guidance for measuring radon concentrations in residences. It contains protocols for measuring radon for the purpose of deciding on the need for remedial action, as presented in the 1992 Citizen's Guide to Radon, and in the Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon. [EPA 402-R-93-003, June 1993]

Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings

It is typically easier and much less expensive to design and construct a new building with radon-resistant and/or easy-to-mitigate features, than to add these features after the building is completed and occupied. Chapter 1 of this manual is a general introduction for those who need background information on the indoor radon problem and the techniques currently being studied and applied for radon reduction. Chapter 2 of this manual provides comprehensive information, instructions, and guidelines about the topics and construction techniques discussed in Chapter 1. You can obtain a copy by contacting the Center for Environmental Research Information at (513) 569-7562 or fax your request to (513) 569-7566. [EPA 625-R-92-016, June 1994]

Technical Support Document for the 1992 Citizen's Guide to Radon

This document presents the wide range of technical analyses, radon risk communication research, legislative directives, and other information that the U.S. EPA used to shape the policies that are set forth in the 1992 "A Citizen's Guide to Radon." The document summarizes extensive technical analyses of the data that have been gathered over the past years. [EPA 400-R-92-011, May 1992]

Radon Reduction Techniques for Existing Detached Houses: Technical Guidance (Third Edition) for Active Soil Depressurization Systems

This technical guidance document has been prepared to serve as a comprehensive aid in the detailed selection, design, installation, and operation of indoor radon reduction measures for existing houses based on active soil depressurization techniques. It is intended for use by radon mitigation contractors, building contractors, concerned homeowners, state and local officials and other interested persons. Office of Research and Development [EPA 625/R-93-001, October 1993]

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Healthy Buildings, Healthy People: A Vision for the 21st Century"

The Healthy Buildings, Healthy People (HBHP) report (available here as a series of PDF files), is a vision for indoor environmental quality in the 21st Century. The importance of the indoor environment to human health has been highlighted in numerous environmental risk reports, including the 1997 report of the President and Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management. [EPA 402-K-01-003, October 2001]

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Indoor Air Pollution: An Introduction for Health Professionals

Assists health professionals (especially the primary care physician) in diagnosis of patient symptoms that could be related to an indoor air pollution problem. Addresses the health problems that may be caused by contaminants encountered daily in the home and office. Organized according to pollutant or pollutant groups such as environmental tobacco smoke, VOCs, biological pollutants, and sick building syndrome, this booklet lists key signs and symptoms from exposure to these pollutants, provides a diagnostic checklist and quick reference summary, and includes suggestions for remedial action. Also includes references for information contained in each section. This booklet was developed by the American Lung Association, the American Medical Association, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the EPA. Also available as a PDF file (indoor_air_pollution.pdf) [EPA 402-R-94-007, 1994]

Current Federal Indoor Air Quality Activities

Contains a compendium of research, policy, and program development activities concerning indoor air quality being conducted by Federal agencies. Developed under the auspices of the Interagency Committee on Indoor Air Quality (CIAQ), this booklet identifies the major indoor air quality activities, describes each activity, and provides the name of the lead agency/office and a point of contact. Contributing agencies include the EPA, the Department of Energy, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Information is presented in tabular format and includes a list of publications available to the general public. [EPA 402-K-99-001, March 1999]

Project Summary: The Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM) Study

Summarizes a study of exposure to toxic and carcinogenic chemicals (VOCs) in the air and drinking water by 600 residents of seven U.S. cities. Study concluded that indoor air in the home and at work far outweighs outdoor air as a route of exposure to toxic chemicals. Other major findings: Study demonstrated the utility of breath sampling to estimate levels of toxic chemicals in the body due to normal daily exposure; also demonstrated utility of TEAM approach for estimating exposure of entire urban populations and gaining an understanding of the sources of exposure. Summary includes a listing of TEAM study published articles and reports. U.S. EPA, Office of Acid Deposition, Environmental Monitoring and Quality Assurance, Office of Research and Development, EPA Document Number 600/S6-87/002, September 1987.

Project Summary: Indoor Air Quality in Public Buildings: Volume I

Summarizes a study of VOCs present in new and existing buildings. The researchers identified 500 VOCs in indoor air in four buildings (a school, two homes for the elderly, and an office building) and determined that concentrations of certain target VOCs are elevated in buildings due to emissions from certain building materials (measurements were taken from 16 such materials). Concentrations of compounds such as xylene and decane were elevated in the new building at completion of construction but fell off markedly within six months. Study was limited in scope and duration, made no extrapolations or estimates of VOC distribution frequency in public buildings, and recommended further study involving different types of buildings and many more types of building materials. A copy of the study report may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia. U.S. EPA. [EPA 600/S6-88/009a, September 1988]

Project Summary: Indoor Air Quality in Public Buildings: Volume II

Summarizes results of companion study to that reported by Volume I. Six buildings were sampled for VOCs (a hospital, two homes for the elderly, two office buildings, and an institute for governmental studies). The new buildings had high concentrations of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons immediately after completion but concentrations declined by an order of magnitude within several months. Building materials emitting these chemicals at the highest rates were surface coatings such as adhesives, caulking, and paints; wall and floor coverings such as molding, linoleum tile, and carpeting; and miscellaneous other materials such as vinyl telephone cables. Researchers surmised that renovation or refurbishment of buildings would also result in temporarily higher concentrations of these chemicals. A copy of the study report may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia. U.S. EPA,. [EPA 600/S6-88/009b, September 1988]

Project Summary: Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air

Summarizes research project which developed a Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air. The Compendium provides regional, state, and local environmental regulatory agencies with standardized, step-by-step sampling and laboratory analysis procedures for the determination of selected pollutants in indoor air. A core set of ten chapters, with each chapter containing one or more methods, covers VOCs, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, air exchange rate, benzo(a)pyrene and other polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and several other contaminants. A copy of the full document may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia, U.S. EPA. [EPA 600/S4-90-010, May 1990]

Introduction to Indoor Air Quality: A Self-Paced Learning Module

The Indoor Air Quality Learning Module and its companion document, the Indoor Air Quality Reference Manual, provide an introduction to indoor air quality for environmental health professionals. Primary focus is on residential indoor air quality. Documents cover those aspects of indoor air quality important for establishing an indoor air quality program by a state or local government agency. Developed under a cooperative arrangement between the National Environmental Health Association, the Bureau of Health Professions of the U.S. Public Health Service, and the EPA. [EPA 400-39-1002, July 1991]

Introduction to Indoor Air Quality: A Reference Manual

The Indoor Air Quality Reference Manual is the companion document to the Indoor Air Quality Learning Module. The Reference Manual provides an opportunity for continuing education plus useful reference material on selected indoor air quality topics. Divided into eight sections corresponding to the first eight lessons of the Learning Module, the Reference Manual also contains information and exhibits which can be used in field investigations (e.g., problem diagnosis, sample measurement, data collection forms, and a listing of public health and occupational standards). Developed under a cooperative arrangement between the National Environmental Health Association, the Bureau of Health Professions of the U.S. Public Health Service, and the EPA. [EPA 4003-91-003, July 1991]

This set of documents may be obtained for $47 by nonmembers and $40 by members (plus $7.50 for shipping & handling). Contact the National Environmental Health Association, ( ) 720 Colorado Boulevard, #970 South Tower, Denver, CO 80222, Tel. (303) 756-9090.

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How to Order EPA Publications

These indoor air quality publications are also available through the IAQ INFO Clearinghouse.

P.O. Box 37133, Washington, DC 20013-7133
(fax) 703-356-5386
[email protected]

or, you can order these publications directly via EPA's National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) ( web site. Your publication requests can also be mailed, called or faxed directly to:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
National Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP)
P.O. Box 42419
Cincinnati, OH 42419
1-800-490-9198/(513) 489-8695 (fax)

Please use the EPA Document Number, which is usually bolded or highlighted, when ordering from NSCEP or from IAQ INFO.

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