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Environmental Hotline List: Phone Numbers, Email, Websites for US Government Environmental Agencies
Comprehensive List of Environmental Government and Free Private Hotlines
for Environment, Safety, Hazardous Materials, Emergency Response and Transportation Questions
This page provides a comprehensive, alphabetized list of free government
environmental hotlines and services, from acid rain, drinking water,
indoor air testing to emergency response to hazardous waste, wastewater
and more.
Acid Rain Hotline
202-343-9620, 202-343-9620 (fax), (then press 3)
Mail Form
The Acid Rain Hotline records questions and document requests covering
all areas of the Acid Rain Program. The Hotline assists callers who have
specific technical or policy questions by forwarding those inquiries to
experienced EPA Acid Rain Division personnel, who review them and
respond to the caller, typically within 24 hours. Utilities may find the
Hotline especially useful for obtaining information that may help them
comply with the acid rain regulations. Order Process: Dial the
main hotline phone number. Listen to categories. Leave technical
questions in the mail box; request documents from a menu, if desired.
All documents are free and will be mailed promptly.
- Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) - Airs Quality Subsystem (AQS)
Mail Form
AIRS is an information management system which is the national
repository for data about airborne pollution in the United States, and
to a limited extent, in various other countries. As with many systems,
the completeness of the data in this data base depends on what data has
been submitted. AIRS comprises three major subsystems. This hotline is
dedicated to AQS and GCS systems:
AQS - Air Quality Subsystem- measurements of ambient
concentrations of air pollutants and associated meteorological and
monitoring site data.
GCS - Geo-Common Subsystem- reference information that is used
with all of the AIRS subsystems. Reference information includes codes
and code descriptions to identify places, pollutants, processes,
geo-political entities, etc. The EPA compiles and maintains this
Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) - AIRS Facility Subsystem (AFS) - Helpline
Mail Form
AIRS is an information management system which is the national
repository for data about airborne pollution in the United States, and
to a limited extent, in various other countries. As with many systems,
the completeness of the data in this data base depends on what data has
been submitted. AIRS comprises three major subsystems. This hotline is
for users of the AFS subsystem, who must have an I.D. assigned to them
by the National Computer Center. AFS - The AIRS Facility
Subsystem contains estimates of aerometric emissions, regulatory
compliance data, and permit tracking data on point sources in the U. S.
Air Risk Information Support Center Hotline
Telephone: (919) 541-0888
Hours: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday
This hotline provides technical assistance and information in areas
of health, risk, and exposure assessment for toxic and criteria air
- Ambient Monitoring Technology Information Center
[email protected]
The Ambient Monitoring Technology Information Center (AMTIC) is operated
by EPA's Monitoring and Quality Assurance Group (MQAG). AMTIC Contains
information and files on ambient air quality monitoring programs,
details on monitoring methods, relevant documents and articles,
information on air quality trends and nonattainment areas, and federal
regulations related to ambient air quality monitoring.
- AgSTAR Program Hotline
1-800-95-AgSTAR (1-800-952-4782)
The AgSTAR Program is a voluntary effort jointly sponsored by EPA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the U.S. Department of Energy. The program encourages the use of methane recovery (biogas) technologies at concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) that manage manure as liquids or slurries. The technologies reduce greenhouse gas (methane) concentrations while achieving other environmental benefits. To talk to an AgSTAR representative please call between 9am and 5pm Pacific Standard Time.
Antimicrobial Information Hotline
1-703-308-6411 (M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm EST), 1-703-308-6467(fax)
[email protected]
The Antimicrobials Information Hotline provides direct answers to
questions concerning current antimicrobial issues. Please call during
normal business hours (Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or leave a
message after hours. The information provided can cover issues relevant
to any or all antimicrobial pesticides including health and safety
issues, registration and reregistration issues, as well as information
on pesticide laws, rules, and regulations relating to antimicrobials.
Asbestos Hotline
1-800-368-5888, 202-566-1970 (Washington, DC Area Local), 202-566-1505
The assigned mission of the Asbestos Ombudsman is to provide to the
public sector, including individual citizens and community services,
information on handling, abatement, and management of asbestos in
schools, the work place, and the home. Interpretation of the asbestos in
schools requirements is provided. Publications to explain recent
legislation are also available. Services are provided to private
citizens, state agencies, local agencies, local public and private
school systems, abatement contractors, and consultants.
Best Workplaces For Commuters
Fax: 813-974-5168,
Attention: Phil Winters
Mail Form or
[email protected]
Best Workplaces for Commuters is a joint EPA and U.S. Department of
Transportation recognition and partnership program that encourages
employers to offer their employees an outstanding level of commuter
benefits such as tax-free transit passes, vanpool benefits, or
- Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) Help Desk
Voice: 706/355-8403, Fax: 706/355-8302
Mail Form
or [email protected]
The Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) works to meet the
scientific and technical exposure assessment needs of the EPA other
state environmental and resource management agencies. CEAM provides
proven predictive exposure assessment techniques for aquatic,
terrestrial, and multimedia pathways for organic chemicals and metals
and distributes environmental simulation model and database software for
urban and rural nonpoint sources, conventional and toxic pollution of
streams, lakes and estuaries, tidal hydrodynamics, geochemical
equilibrium, and aquatic food chain bioaccumulation.
- Clean Air Technology Center (CATC) Infoline formerly Control Technology Center
919-541-0800 (English), 919-541-1800 (Spanish), 919 541-3207 (fax)
[email protected]
The CTC provides technical support and assistance to state and local
agencies and others in evaluating air pollution problems and pollution
prevention and control technology applications at stationary air
pollution sources. Specifically, hotline assistance provides quick
access and consultation with appropriate EPA staff on air pollution
technology questions. It also provides information on EPA's RACT/BACT/
LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC), Federal Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP),
and International Technical Information Center for Global Greenhouse
- Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emission Factors' Info CHIEF Help Desk
[email protected]
The Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emission Factors is a means of
exchanging information regarding air pollutant emissions between state
and local pollution control agencies, private citizens, universities,
contractors, and foreign governments. It addresses criteria pollutants
and toxic pollutants from both stationary and area sources. The
Clearinghouse offers several electronic air emission estimation tools,
including the Factor Information Retrieval (FIRE) database, TANKS
database, and Air CHIEF CD-ROM.
- Drinking water: Safe Drinking Water Hotline
1-800-426-4791, 703-412-3333 (fax)
email:Mail Form
Hours: 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday
This hotline provides information about EPA's drinking water
regulations and other related drinking water and ground water
topics. Technicians are available to provide details on legislation
and regulations or provide important contacts for water resources
and information on drinking and groundwater.
Specifically, the Hotline clarifies drinking water regulations, provides
appropriate 40 CFR and Federal Register citations, explains EPA-provided
policies and guidelines and gives update information on the status of
regulations. The Hotline can also provide State and local contacts.
Measurement Center (EMC)
email: [email protected] or
Mail Form
The Emissions Measurement Center hotline provides callers with a variety
of technical emissions testing information. EMC also includes
connections to technical material through an automatic facsimile link
and with technical staff during working hours.
- Endangered Species Protection Bulletin (Pesticides) Request Line
[email protected] or
Mail Form
This toll-free Information Line is maintained to aid people striving to
protect endangered species from harm that may result from the use of
some pesticides. Please call Monday - Friday during normal business
hours (Eastern Time), or leave a message after hours to request
bulletins describing locations where pesticides may not be used due to
endangered species concerns. The Web page,, provides an
introduction to the Endangered Species Protection Program (ESPP) and its
goals: 1) to protect endangered species from harmful pesticides and 2)
to minimize the impact of the program on pesticide users. Questions or
publication requests other than bulletins should be directed to the
email address shown above. Questions about endangered species that are
not related to pesticide issues should be directed to the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service at
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Information Center
1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463)
The EERE Information Center answers questions on EERE's products,
services, and 11 technology programs, refers callers to the most
appropriate EERE resources, and refers qualified callers to the
appropriate expert networks.
- Energy Star
1-888-STAR-YES, (1-888-782-7937)
[email protected]
STAR was a
voluntary labeling program designed to identify and promote
energy-efficient products, in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
EPA partnered with the US Department of Energy in 1996 to promote the
label, with each agency taking responsibility for particular product
categories. ENERGY
STAR has expanded
to cover new homes, most of the buildings sector, residential heating
and cooling equipment, major appliances, office equipment, lighting,
consumer electronics, and more product areas. Call to receive helpful
information regarding your household products.
- Environmental Education Clearinghouse
1-800-424-4372, 206-553-1200 (Washington, DC Area Local)
Region 10's searchable database of environmental education material
available in the Pacific Northwest. Resources from hundreds of
organizations have been organized in a number of categories.
- Environmental Finance Information Network (EFIN)
202-564-4994, 202-565-2587 (fax)
[email protected]
The EFIN Center operates an infoline that provides callers with
referrals, assistance with accessing and searching the EFIN database,
and a point of contact for ordering documents.
Environmental Justice Hotline
[email protected]
Established to receive calls from concerned citizens about justice
issues in their communities, the purpose of the Hotline is to make
information easily accessible to the public and to the media, and to
assist in the resolution of environmental justice issues. The Hotline is
answered by staff of OEJ. A procedure has been established to ensure
thorough follow-up. A brochure describing the Hotline (in both English
and Spanish) is available.
- EPA Enforcement Economic Models Helpline
1-888-ECONSPT, (1-888-326-6778)
[email protected]
EPA Enforcement Economic Models helpline offered by OECA provides
information and assistance with enforcement financial computer models
that calculate an individual's, municipality's or corporation's
financial ability to pay environmental penalties. This service is
primarily targeted at local state, and federal agency employees. This
service is staffed by a agency contractor.
- EPA Grants and Fellowships
Hotline (NCER Hotline)
Mail Form
This hotline provides easy access to research funding
opportunities--grants and fellowships as well as past and present
research projects and programs.
EPA Imported Vehicles and Engines Public Help Line
734- 214-4100, 734-214-IMPO (4676) (fax)
[email protected]
The EPA Imported Vehicles and Engines Public Help Line is an automated telefax
system which lets callers order documents about the importation of vehicles.
Additional information can be found on the EPA Office of Transportation and Air
Quality's (OTAQ) [formerly the Office of Mobile Sources (OMS)] Web site at and the U.S. Customs Service's Web
site at
The Importation Section of the EPA Vehicle Programs and Compliance Division,
which can be reached at 734- 214-4100 during business hours (Eastern Standard
Time), may also be helpful.
EPA Test Methods
617-918-1991, 617-918-1992 (fax)
[email protected]
This is a referral point for information on EPA measurement methods.
These test methods are used in complying with Agency regulations and for
general environmental monitoring.
- EPA Model Clearinghouse
919-541-5693, 919-541-0044 (fax)
Established at the request of the EPA Regional Offices, the EPA Model Clearinghouse reviews dispersion modeling techniques for criteria pollutants in specific regulatory situations. This is a service to the EPA Regional Offices only.
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Information Center
1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463)
The EERE Information Center answers questions on EERE's products, services, and 11 technology programs, refers callers to the most appropriate EERE resources, and refers qualified callers to the appropriate expert networks.
- Ground Water and Ecosystem Restoration Information Center (GWERIC)
580-436-8502, 580-436-8503 (fax)
[email protected]
GWERIC, developed by and through the Ground Water and Ecosystems Restoration
Research Division, maintains a repository of highly specialized scientific and
technical information relating to ground-water and ecosystem restoration. This
information includes fact sheets, project summaries, environmental research
briefs, reports, models and user's guides, issue papers, journal articles,
symposium papers, conference proceedings, book chapters, presentations, posters,
and other documents, and is easily searched using the
GWERIC Search Form
- Hazardous Waste: RCRA / UST, Superfund and EPCRA
Telephone: (800) 424-9346 or (703) 412-9810. The Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)/Underground Storage Tanks
(UST), Superfund and EPCRA hotline answers factual questions about
EPA regulations and programs under RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA, and
responds to requests for relevant documents. Specifically, the
hotline responds to inquiries about waste minimization programs
required under RCRA, source reduction and hazardous waste
combustion, Section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990,
which expanded data collection under EPCRA 313, and other components
of the waste management regulatory .programs
Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse (IAQINFO)
[email protected]
The IAQ INFO provides access to public information on indoor environments
through a range of services including: an operator-assisted hotline;
distribution of relevant EPA publications at no charge; literature searches on a
topic for further reference; referrals to appropriate government agencies,
research, public interest, and industry representatives; and information about
training courses and materials.
Inspector General Hotline
1-888-546-8740, 202-566-2476 (Washington, DC Area Local), 202-566-2549 (fax)
Mail Form
The Inspector General Hotline was established to receive and control complaints
alleging fraud, waste, abuse, or mismanagement within the Environmental
Protection Agency.
- Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Hotline
202-566-1676, 202-566-1749 (fax)
[email protected]
IRIS is a database of human health effects that may result from exposure to
various substances found in the environment. The hotline can assist you in using
IRIS and understanding the methods used by the EPA for deriving values and the
limitations of use.
International Innovation Gateway - This Web site is a
gateway to information and resources on innovative environmental projects and
programs from around the world.
Use Controls (LUCs) [also known as Institutional Controls (ICs)]
[email protected]
Established by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
through cooperative agreements with EPA, this site provides a clearinghouse of
information on land-use controls (LUCs). LUCs are legal covenants that restrict
land use to protect public health and the environment. They are often used in
combination with physical or engineering measures. LUCs ensure that future land
uses and on-site activities do not violate physical barriers, impair the
effectiveness of the remedy, or otherwise expose people and the environment to
contamination in a manner that poses an unacceptable risk.
Local Government Reimbursement Program Helpline
[email protected]
In 1987, Congress established the Local Government Reimbursement program under
Superfund. The purpose of this program is to help defray expenses incurred by
local municipalities in responding to hazardous substance threats such as
chemical fires and explosions, tire fires, or fires at landfills. The
reimbursement limit is $25,000 per response. The Agency employed its major
contractor to help inform local governments about the program.
Methods Information Communication Exchange Service (MICE)
703-676-4690, 703-318-4682 (fax)
[email protected]
The Methods Information Communication Exchange (MICE) Service provides answers
to questions and takes comments over the telephone on technical issues regarding
the EPA Office of Solid Waste's methods manual known as "Test Methods for
Evaluating Solid Waste: Physical/ Chemical Methods" or SW-846. Questions
regarding the status of the methods, organic analyses, inorganic analyses,
characteristics tests, and quality control issues are answered by chemists,
groundwater monitoring specialists, and sampling experts who are experienced and
knowledgeable in SW-846 procedures.
- Mexico Border Hotline
1-800-334-0741 (English/Spanish)
[email protected]
This hotline answers questions concerning the the U.S.-Mexico Border XXI
Program. This binational effort is working to ensure sustainable development
through protection of human health and the environment and proper management of
natural resources in both countries.
National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse
Mail Form
The National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse is your guide to compliance
information on the Internet. It provides quick access to compliance tools,
contacts, and planned activities from across EPA as well as other compliance
assistance providers.
- National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP, formerly NCEPI)
1-800-490-9198, 301-604-3408 (fax)
[email protected]
The National Service Center for Environmental Publications maintains and
distributes EPA publications in hardcopy, CD ROM and other multimedia formats.
The publication inventory includes over 7,000 titles, NSCEP also develops and
distributes the annual EPA National Publications Catalog.
National Hispanic Indoor Air Quality Hotline
1-866-528-3187 (Spanish/English)
Mail Form
The National Hispanic Indoor Air Quality Hotline provides bilingual
(Spanish/English) information about indoor air pollutants that consumers may
find inside their homes, offices or schools.
- National Lead Information Center Hotline
1-800-424-LEAD, (1-800-424-5323)
[email protected]
The Environmental Health Center (EHC) of the National Safety Council manages the
National Lead Information Center (NLIC) under a cooperative agreement with the
Environmental Protection Agency. The Hotline distributes a basic information
packet on lead that includes the EPA brochure "Lead Poisoning and Your
Children," three fact sheets, and a list of state and local contacts for
additional information.
- National Pesticide Information Center
1-800-858-7378, 541-737-0761 (fax)
[email protected]
A cooperative effort of Oregon State University and the EPA, this hotline offers
science-based information about a wide variety of pesticide-related subjects and
serves as a source of factual chemical, health, and environmental information
about more than 600 pesticide active ingredients incorporated into over 50,000
different products registered for use in the United States since 1947.
- National Poison Control
1-800-222-1222 (emergency only), 202-362-3867 (for administrative and materials
requests), 202-362-8563 (TDD)
The National Poison Control Hotline was established to respond to emergency
calls from concerned citizens about poison prevention. Housed in The National
Capital Poison Center in Washington, DC, this hotline is manned 24 hours a day/7
days a week by registered nurses or pharmacists with backgrounds in critical
care. All specialists have passed a national certification exam in toxicology.
The Poison Center staff has access to a 24 hour interpreter service, with over
140 languages available, so callers who do not speak English are able to receive
immediate help for emergency calls.
- National Radon Hotline
1-800-SOS-RADON, (1-800-767-7236), 1-800-55-RADON (helpline), 1-866-528-3187
(Spanish/English), 202-293-2270 (EHC), 202-293-0032 (fax)
[email protected]
Run by the National Health Center of the National Safety Council, this hotline
provides answers to questions regarding radon. Their Web site also offers fact
sheets, educational materials, and activity reports.
- National Response Center Hotline
1-800-424-8802, 202-267-2675 (Washington, DC Area Local)
Mail Forms or
[email protected]
The National Response Center is the federal government's national communications
center, which is staffed 24 hours a day by U.S. Coast Guard officers and marine
science technicians. The NRC receives all reports of releases involving
hazardous substances and oil that trigger the federal notification requirements
under several laws. Reports to the NRC activate the National Contingency Plan
and the federal government's response capabilities. This hotline provides
information and answers questions regarding Facility Response Plan
rulemaking, SPCC plans, Oil Pollution Act of 1990, NCP Product
Schedule, emergency response notification system (ERNS), and
additional questions related to EPA's oil spill program.
National Small Flows Clearinghouse Hotline
1-800-624-8301, 304-293-4191 (West Virginia Local)
Managed by West Virginia University, the National Small Flows Clearinghouse
provides information and technical assistance to help small communities and
homeowners reach practical, affordable solutions to their waste water treatment
problems. Hours: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday.
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Clearinghouse for GIS Data
[email protected]
A component of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, this service provides information about geospatial data available from the EPA. Geospatial data is used in Geographic Information System (GIS) to identify the geographic location and characteristics of natural or man-made features and boundaries on the earth.
- Office of Water Resource Center (OWRC)
202-566-1729, 202-566-1736 (fax), 1-800-832-7828 (Wetlands Helpline)
[email protected]
OWRC is a contractor-operated facility providing document delivery,
information/ referral, and reference services to public users and EPA
staff interested in Office of Water Program information. The Center
catalogs and distributes documents published by three of the Office of
Water's Program Offices: Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water,
Office of Science and Technology and Office of Wastewater Management.
- Ozone Protection Hotline
1-800-296-1996, (202) 343-9210 (Washington, DC Area Local)
The Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline offers consultation on ozone
protection regulations and requirements under Title VI of the Clean Air
Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990. Title VI covers the following key aspects
of the production, use, and safe disposal of ozone-depleting chemicals:
1) production phaseout and controls; 2) servicing of motor vehicle air
conditioners; 3) recycling and emission reduction; 4) technician and
equipment certification; 5) approval of alternatives; 6) a ban of
nonessential uses; 7) product labeling; and 8) federal procurement. The
hotline also sends out publications: Title VI of CAAA and all published
rules, Federal Register notices, science and policy reports, and fact
Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) Helpline
1-888-EPA-PAYT, (1-888-372-7298)
[email protected]
or Publications Order Form
In communities with pay-as-you-throw programs (also known as unit
pricing or variable-rate pricing), residents are charged for the
collection of municipal solid waste-ordinary household trash-based on
the amount the throw away. This creates a direct economic incentive to
recycle more and to generate less waste. EPA supports this new approach
to solid waste management because it encompasses environmental
sustainability, economic sustainability, and equity. The hotline
provides information and tools to support this ongoing effort.
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC)
202-566-0799, 202-564-8899 (fax)
[email protected]
The Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) is a free,
nonregulatory service of the U.S EPA. PPIC is dedicated to reducing or
eliminating industrial pollutants through technology transfer,
education, and public awareness. A Reference and Referral Telephone
Service is available to answer questions, take orders for documents
distributed by PPIC, or refer callers to appropriate contacts.
- RCRA / UST, Superfund and EPCRA Hotline
Telephone: (800) 424-9346 or (703) 412-9810. The Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)/Underground Storage Tanks
(UST), Superfund and EPCRA hotline answers factual questions about
EPA regulations and programs under RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA, and
responds to requests for relevant documents. Specifically, the
hotline responds to inquiries about waste minimization programs
required under RCRA, source reduction and hazardous waste
combustion, Section 6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990,
which expanded data collection under EPCRA 313, and other components
of the waste management regulatory .programs
Reasonably Available Control Technology/ Best Available Control Technology/ Lowest Achievable Emission Rate Clearinghouse (RBLC)
919-541-0800, 919-541-0242 (fax)
The RBLC provides information on the application of pollution prevention
and control technologies to stationary air pollution sources through the
OAQPS Technology Transfer Network (TTN) Bulletin Board System (BBS). The
RBLC offers an on-line database with menu based searching, downloading
of user-selected information, complete data viewing capabilities,
context sensitive help functions, and data entry capabilities. It also
offers a brochure, an informational flyer, the RBLC User's Manual (EPA-
456/B-98-002), and annual reports documenting additions and changes to
the system (1999 edition: EPA456/R-99-004).
Safe Drinking Water Hotline
1-800-426-4791, 703-412-3333 (fax)
email:Mail Form
Hours: 9:00 a.m -5:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday
This hotline provides information about EPA's drinking water
regulations and other related drinking water and ground water
topics. Technicians are available to provide details on legislation
and regulations or provide important contacts for water resources
and information on drinking and groundwater.
Specifically, the Hotline clarifies drinking water regulations, provides
appropriate 40 CFR and Federal Register citations, explains EPA-provided
policies and guidelines and gives update information on the status of
regulations. The Hotline can also provide State and local contacts.
- Small Business Ombudsman Hotline
1-800-368-5888, 202-566-2075 (Washington, DC Area Local), 202-566-1505
email: [email protected]
The mission of the EPA Small Business Ombudsman Clearinghouse/Hotline is
to provide information to private citizens, small communities, small
business enterprises, and trade associations representing the small
business sector regarding regulatory activities. Mailings are made to
update the audience on recent regulatory actions. Special attention is
directed to apprising the trade associations representing small business
interests with current regulatory developments. Technical questions are
answered following appropriate contacts with program office staff
members. Questions addressed cover all media program aspects within EPA.
- Storet Water Quality System Hotline
[email protected]
The EPA maintains two data management systems containing water quality
information: the Legacy Data Center (LDC)and STORET. STORET contains
data collected beginning in 1999, along with older data that has been
properly documents and migrated from the LDC. Both systems contain raw
biological, chemical and physical data on surface and ground water
collected by federal, state and local agencies, Indian Tribes, volunteer
groups, academics, and other. All 50 States, territories, and
jurisdictions of the US, along with portions of Canada and Mexico are
represented in these systems.
- Storm Water Hotline
Telephone: (800) 245-6510. Hours: 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST
The Region 6 Multi-Sector General Permit Hotline serves as a
clearinghouse for information concerning U.S. EPA Storm Water
General Permits. Information specialists are available to answer
technical questions concerning permit eligibility, specific permit
requirements, and more. In addition, callers may order many storm
water-related documents and guidance manuals.
- Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline
Telephone: (800) 296-1996
Fax: (202) 775-6681
Hours: 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. EST Monday-Friday
The Stratospheric Ozone Information Hotline provides in-depth
information on ozone protection regulations and requirements under
Title VI of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Information on the
transition to non-ozone-depleting chemicals in various use sectors,
as well as retrofitting equipment and refrigerant management is also
available. In addition, the hotline serves as a distribution center
and point of referral for an array of information pertaining to
other general aspects of stratospheric ozone depletion and its
protection. The Hotline maintains a library of relevant policy and
science documents, reports, articles, and contact lists.
- Superfund Document Center
202-566-0276, 202-566-0224 (fax)
[email protected]
The Superfund Docket maintains the rulemaking materials from the
Superfund and Oil Spill Programs for the Office of Emergency and
Remedial Response (OERR) within the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency
Response (OSWER). The Docket fulfills the requirement for public
participation under CERCLA by serving as the EPA public access point for
Superfund rulemaking material, which is contained in individual
- Superfund and EPCRA Call Center
Note: The RCRA, Superfund and EPCRA Call Center will no longer provide
support for the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA),
Underground Storage Tanks (UST), and Leaking Underground Storage Tanks
(LUST) programs at the close of business on March 31, 2005. For more
information, see the
Federal Register Notice - March 4, 2005 [PDF File, 2 pages, 63 KB,
About PDF]. It will
still respond to Superfund and EPCRA questions. 1-800-424-9346,
703-412-9810 (Washington, DC Area Local), 1-800-553-7672 (TDD) ,
703-412-3323 (Washington, DC Area Local TDD) For RCRA information,
please try the
RCRA FAQs Database. This database enables users to search frequently
asked questions or submit their own question or comment on a variety of
RCRA issues and topics.
Tools for Schools (IAQ) Technical Assistance Hotline
[email protected]
A Technical assistance information hotline for users of the IAQ Tools
for Schools Kit, the Tools for Schools Technical Assistance Hotline
provides information and answers questions on topics including
mechanical systems, ventilation, pollutant sources, and application of
the Kit. The hotline can be accessed weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
central time through a toll-free telephone number, 1-866-837-3721.
- Toxic Release Inventory - User Support Service
email: [email protected]
TRI-US offers specialized assistance to individuals seeking Toxics
Release Inventory (TRI) data collected by EPA under Section 313 of EPCRA
(Emergency Planning and Community Right To Know Act). It provides
comprehensive search assistance for the TRI on-line and CD-ROM
databases. In addition to access, user support and search assistance,
TRI-US conducts training and demonstrations for both the TRI CD-ROM and
the National Library of Medicine/ TOXNET databases.
- Toxic Release Inventory - Community Right To Know - EPCRA Hotline
1-800-424-9346, 703-412-9810 (Washington, DC Area Local), 1-800-553-7672
(TDD) , 703-412-3323 (Washington, DC Area Local TDD)
[email protected]
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)
is a source of information concerning waste management activities and
toxic chemicals that are being used, manufactured, treated, transported,
or released into the environment. Two statutes, Section 313 of the
Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) and section
6607 of the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA), mandate that a publicly
accessible toxic chemical database be developed and maintained by US
- Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Hotline
Phone: 202-554-1404
Fax: 202-554-5603
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. EST, Monday - Friday
[email protected]
The TAIS provides technical assistance and information about programs
implemented under TSCA, the Asbestos School Hazard Abatement Act (ASHAA),
the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the Asbestos School
Hazard Abatement Reauthorization Act (ASHARA), the Residential
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act (Title X of TSCA), and EPA's 33/50
program. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) assistance information
service provides technical assistance and general information about
programs implemented under TSCA. The service also provides copies of
TSCA information and regulations through its clearinghouse function.
- Used Filter Hotline
Telephone: (800) 99-FILTER (993-4583)
Hours: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. EST
This hotline, sponsored by the Filter Manufacturers Council,
provides commercial generators of used oil filters with a summary of
the state's filter management regulations, referrals to companies
that provide filter management services, referrals to state
agencies, and a brochure entitled AHow to Choose a Filter Management
- Water Efficiency Clearinghouse -
1-800-926-7337, 303-347-0804 (fax)
[email protected]
Operated by the American Water Works Association and the US Bureau of
Reclamation, the WaterWiser program offers information on water
- WasteWise Helpline
1-800-EPA-WISE, (1-800-372-9473), 703-308-8686 (fax)
[email protected]
WasteWise is a free, voluntary, EPA program through which organizations
eliminate costly municipal solid waste, benefiting their bottom line and
the environment. WasteWise provides free technical assistance to help
you develop, implement, and measure your waste reduction activities.
WasteWise offers publicity to organizations that are successful in
reducing waste through EPA publications, case studies, and national and
regional events.
Wetlands Information Hotline
1-800-832-7828, 202-566-1730 (Washington, DC Area Local), 202-566-1736
email: [email protected].
Hours: 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. EST Monday-Friday
The EPA Wetlands Helpline is a contactor operated, toll-free telephone
service and e-mail correspondent, which answers requests for information
about wetlands regulation, legislation and policy pursuant to Section
404 of the Clean Water Act, wetlands values and functions, and wetlands
agricultural issues.
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