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RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA
RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA Hotline
National Toll-Free No.: (800) 424-9346
Local: (703) 412-9810
TDD National Toll-Free No.: (800) 553-7672
This report is prepared and submitted in support of Contract No.
Judi Kane, Project Officer
Wendy Timmons, Alternate Project Officer
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460
1. Inspection of Satellite Accumulation Containers
A large quantity generator (LQG) that is accumulating hazardous waste
on-site for 90 days or less in containers must comply with 40 CFR Part
265, Subpart I (Section 262.34(a)(1)(i)). Section 265.174 of Subpart I
requires owners and operators to inspect containers weekly for leaks and
deterioration caused by corrosion or other factors. Are LQGs required
to inspect hazardous waste containers in satellite accumulation areas at
or near the waste's point of generation in accordance with Section
Hazardous waste containers used to accumulate hazardous waste at or
near any point of generation ("satellite accumulation") and in
compliance with Section 262.34(c) are not required to be inspected
weekly. A generator accumulating hazardous waste in satellite
accumulation areas must comply with Sections 265.171, 265.172, and
265.173(a) (Section 262.34(c)(1)(i)). These requirements include that a
LQG ensure that the containers are in good condition, that the waste is
compatible with the containers, and that the containers are kept closed
except when necessary to add or remove waste. In addition, if the
container begins to leak the generator must transfer the waste to a
container that is in good condition. Section 265.174, regarding weekly
inspection, is not a requirement for containers of hazardous waste in a
satellite accumulation area. Therefore, LQGs are not required to
conduct a weekly inspection of containers in satellite accumulation
areas so long as they comply with the provisions of Section 262.34(c).
Authorized states may require weekly inspection of containers in
satellite accumulation areas, as states may have more stringent
requirements than the federal regulations.
2. Joint State and Federal Permits Under RCRA
RCRA Section 3006 allows EPA to authorize states to administer and
enforce the RCRA program within the state, provided the state
demonstrates the program to be equivalent, consistent, and at least as
stringent as the federal program. Prior to 1984, a state with a
federally approved RCRA program administered the hazardous waste program
entirely in lieu of the federal program. This meant that as new
regulations were promulgated, states could update their programs to
incorporate these new regulations; however, until the state adopted the
new requirements as state law and received authorization for them, the
new regulations were not in effect in that state. The Hazardous and
Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) of 1984 added Section 3006(g) to RCRA,
which changed when new hazardous waste regulations become effective in
states authorized for the RCRA program. Regulations promulgated
pursuant to HSWA authorities (i.e., provisions added by HSWA) take
effect in authorized states at the same time they take effect in
unauthorized states. In these instances, EPA implements and enforces
the new regulations in authorized states until that state incorporates
the new regulations into its program. When states are not authorized
for all HSWA provisions, facilities subject to both HSWA and non-HSWA
provisions may have two implementing agencies, the EPA region and the
state. Many authorized states issue treatment, storage, and disposal
facility (TSDF) permits, but are unable to issue a complete permit to
the facility, since the state may not be authorized to implement all the
RCRA Subtitle C regulations. How are permits issued and implemented in
this situation?
TSDFs located in a state which has been authorized to implement the
RCRA program, but has not received authorization for all HSWA
provisions, may currently be issued joint state and federal permits
which together constitute the TSDF's RCRA permit. RCRA Section
3006(c)(4) directs the EPA regions to coordinate with the state agencies
the procedures for issuing such joint permits. The state prepares the
portion of the permit covering non-HSWA rules and the HSWA regulations
for which the state has received authorization. EPA then prepares the
portion of the permit covering the HSWA provisions for which the state
is not yet authorized.
Once the EPA regional office and the state prepare their portions of
the permit, the joint permit may be issued in one of two ways. The EPA
regional office and the state may combine their parts of the permit and
issue the TSDF a single document, with the signatures of both the State
Director and the Regional Administrator. Alternatively, a permit may be
issued as two separate documents, one signed by the State Director and
the other signed by the Regional Administrator, which together would
address all the conditions required in the facility's permit. Whether a
single permit or separate documents each constituting a portion of the
complete RCRA permit are issued, the document must clearly identify
which provisions are implemented by the EPA regional office and which
provisions are implemented by the state, primarily to clarify
enforcement responsibility. Use of either method is at the discretion
of the state and region.
Most states and EPA regions have established procedures for
coordinating the joint permitting process. Owners and operators of
facilities subject to joint permitting should contact their state and
EPA regional offices for more information on the procedures for permit
issuance, including how many copies of the permit application to submit
and whether the permit issued to the facility will consist of a single
3. Frequently Asked Questions About Special Accounts
What are special accounts?
Special accounts are site-specific, interest-bearing subaccounts
typically placed within the Hazardous Substance Superfund (Trust Fund).
The funds placed in these special accounts are derived from settlements
between EPA and potentially responsible parties (PRPs) and can be used
to pay for response work at a particular site. Such settlements are
often with small volume contributors (de minimis parties) or with
parties that have limited financial resources. The legal authority for
establishing special accounts is found in CERCLA Section 122(b)(3).
What can special accounts be used for?
EPA may use special account funds to pay for response actions at a
specific site. Such response actions may include: (1) actual cleanup
activities; (2) payment of EPA oversight costs; (3) potential work
takeover by EPA if the PRP fails to perform work; (4) cleanup of
additional operable units (OUs) at the site; (5) pursuit of PRPs who
have not settled with EPA; (6) costs that were underestimated or remedy
failures; and (7) reimbursement payments to PRPs after they perform a
response action for that site under the terms of a settlement agreement.
Under what circumstances may a PRP receive special account funds?
A PRP may receive funds from a special account after performing a
response action pursuant to a settlement agreement with EPA. After
completing all work or significant portions of the work, the PRP will
generally be required to submit to the appropriate regional program
office a certification of the work completed and a summary of costs
incurred for the work. The PRP may be reimbursed only for the costs of
work covered by the settlement agreement and not for legal fees or other
What must be included in a work settlement agreement to allow the use
of special account funds to repay PRPs?
To authorize the disbursement of special account funds to a PRP, the
settlement agreement between EPA and the PRP will generally include
terms that: (1) identify the special account; (2) provide that the PRP
submit a certification and a cost summary; (3) set the timing and amount
of special account disbursements; (4) list the circumstances under which
EPA may terminate special account disbursement; (5) direct the PRP to
repay amounts received from the special account, with interest, where
EPA has terminated disbursements; and (6) require the PRP to relinquish
its right to pursue claims against the United States (i.e., a covenant
not to sue).
What happens to funds remaining in a special account?
When site risks no longer necessitate that amounts remain in the
special account, any remaining special account funds are transferred to
the Trust Fund. Typically, one year after construction completion of
the site, EPA regions will determine if the special account should be
closed and transfer any remaining special account funds to the Fund.
How to order...
NTIS Publications are available by calling (800) 553-6847 or (703)
605-6000, or writing NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA
22161. Use the NTIS Order Number listed under the document.
EPA Publications are available through the Hotline. Use the EPA Order
Number listed under the document.
RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA National Toll-Free No.: (800) 424-9346
Local: (703) 412-9810 TDD National Toll-Free No.: (800) 553-7672
EPA's Fax-on-Demand service distributes selected publications noted by a
"Fax-on-Demand" number. To order these documents, from your fax machine
dial (202) 651-2060 (for OSW documents), (202) 651-2098 (for OUST
documents), (202) 651-2061 (for CEPPO documents), and (202) 651-2062
(for OERR documents), and follow the instructions provided by the voice
prompt, using the Fax-on-Demand number noted. Please call the Hotline
for detailed instructions on using the Fax-on-Demand service.
EPA Publications Available on the Internet
You may access certain documents electronically by using this server:
Documents on the WWW server may be located by using the on-line search
TITLE: Environmental Fact Sheet: Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
Standards Available for Comment
AVAILABILITY: Hotline/Internet
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA 530-F-99-044
This fact sheet summarizes the review of solid waste disposal facility
criteria in accordance with the periodic review requirement of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act. The document outlines what EPA seeks
comments on, including the need for the municipal solid waste landfill
(MSWLF) criteria, nature or complaints related to the MSWLF criteria,
complexity of the rule and the extent to which it overlaps, duplicates,
or conflicts with other federal, state, and local government rules.
TITLE: Environmental Fact Sheet: Hazardous Waste Identification Rule:
Proposed Rule (HWIR-Waste Proposal)
AVAILABILITY: Hotline/Internet
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-F-99-046
This fact sheet summarizes major actions that EPA proposed in
HWIR-Waste, including revisions the mixture and derived-from rule, and a
potential relief from hazardous waste management requirements. The fact
sheet also includes background information.
TITLE: Environmental Fact Sheet: Proposed Rule for Storage, Treatment,
Transportation, and Disposal of Mixed Waste
AVAILABILITY: Hotline/Internet
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-F-99-045
This fact sheet summarizes the proposed rule applicable to low-level
mixed waste (LLMW) or naturally-occurring and/or accelerator-produced
radioactive material (NARM). Fact sheet lists the major areas of
flexibility addressed by the proposal.
TITLE: The Used Oil Management Standards Video
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-V-99-001
Designed primarily for generators of used oil, this 30-minute video
contains useful information for all used oil handlers whose activities
are regulated by EPA's used oil management standards. The used oil
poster, EPA530-H-98-001, is distributed with this video.
TITLE: Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) Bulletin, Fall 1999
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-N-99-008
This edition focuses on the increasing global trend toward
pay-as-you-throw (PAYT). The newsletter reports on the success of PAYT
programs in Canada and Australia.
TITLE: RCRA Corrective Action News: A Record of Success
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-N-99-006
This edition of Corrective Action News features a range of exciting new
RCRA corrective action approaches, including the cleanup reforms, the
brownfields prevention initiative, the winners the of the 1999 RCRA
Corrective Action Awards, highlights from the 1999 National Meeting, and
a new workshop to teach results-based project management.
TITLE: Biosolids Generation, Use, and Disposal in the United States
PUBLICATION DATE: September 1999
AVAILABILITY: Hotline/Internet
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-R-99-009
This report quantifies the amount of biosolids managed by municipal
solid waste facilities and focuses on the management of biosolids
generated by publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). The report
discusses the advantages and disadvantages associated with beneficial
use or the disposal of biosolids.
TITLE: Waste Not, Want Not: Feeding the Hungry and Reducing Solid Waste
Through Food Recovery
AVAILABILITY: Internet only
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-R-99-040
This document is a joint effort from the U.S. Department of Agriculture
and EPA's Office of Solid Waste, and serves as a resource guide for how
businesses and state and local solid waste management programs can
incorporate food recovery programs into their overall waste reduction
strategies. The guide emphasizes processes in which excess food is
recovered to feed hungry people, and also touches on a food recovery
hierarchy to demonstrate how surplus food can be utilized at several
TITLE: The Effects of Composted Organic Materials on the Growth Factors
for Hardwood and Softwood Tree Seedlings
AVAILABILITY: Internet only
This report, a cooperative effort by the Office of Solid Waste and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, provides the results of
a study designed to demonstrate the effects of three types of compost on
the growth and survival rates of hardwood and softwood tree seedlings.
TITLE: Revised Risk Assessment for the Air Characteristic Study, Volume
I: Overview
AVAILABILITY: Internet only
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-R-99-019a
The Revised Risk Assessment for the Air Characteristic Study presents
the potential direct inhalation risks that may result from unregulated
emissions from certain waste management units. Volume I discusses
changes made from the 1998 Air Characteristic Study, a general overview
of the risk assessment, and the integration of the revised risk
assessment results with the May 1998 regulatory gaps and occurrence
TITLE: Revised Risk Assessment for the Air Characteristic Study, Volume
II: Technical Background Document
AVAILABILITY: Internet only
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA530-R-99-019b
Volume II of the Revised Risk Assessment for the Air Characteristic
Study provides a detailed description of the methodologies, data, and
supporting analyses used for the risk assessment.
TITLE: Improving Site Assessment: Abbreviated Preliminary Assessments
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA540-F-98-037, OSWER 9375.2-09FS, PB98-963 308
This guidance document establishes the minimum requirements for
conducting an Abbreviated Preliminary Assessment instead of a full
Preliminary Assessment. The region may produce an APA report at any
phase of the PA (prior to completing a full PA) when enough information
is available to make a decision on further CERCLA action. This document
supersedes section 4.4 of Guidance for Performing Preliminary
Assessments under CERCLA (OSWER Directive 9345.0-01A).
TITLE: Improving Site Assessment: Combined PA/SI Assessments
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA540-F-98-038, OSWER 9375.2-10FS, PB98-963 309
This guidance document discusses combining the steps of both the PA and
SI into one continuous site investigation. This approach may be
appropriate for any site entered into CERCLIS or sites that are brought
to our attention by a citizen's petition. This document supplements the
existing PA/SI guidance.
TITLE: Improving Site Assessment: Pre-CERCLIS Screening Assessments
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA540-F-98-039, OSWER 9375.2-11FS, PB98-963 310
Pre-CERCLIS screening is a review of information on potential Superfund
sites to determine whether the site should be entered into the CERCLIS
database. Pre-CERCLIS screening is a low-cost look at potential sites
to ensure that uncontaminated sites or sites ineligible under CERCLA are
not unnecessarily entered into CERCLIS for further Superfund-financed
activities. This document supplements existing pre-CERCLIS screening
TITLE: Regional Trends in Remedy Changes
The Office of Site Remediation and Enforcement (OSRE) manages a national
enforcement and compliance program under CERCLA. As part of this
program, OSRE conducted a study that examined historical data on remedy
changes at PRP-lead and EPA-lead sites throughout the country. This
report summarizes the data collected, discusses the methodology used in
determining whether the rates of Fund-led and PRP-led remedy changes are
significantly different, and discusses Regional trends in remedy
TITLE: Superfund Redevelopment Pilot Program Proposal Packet
AVAILABILITY: Hotline, Superfund Redevelopment Initiative Hotline
The Superfund Redevelopment Initiative is EPA's nationally coordinated
effort to facilitate the return of Superfund sites to productive use by
selecting response actions consistent with anticipated use to the extent
possible. Each pilot may receive up to $100,000 of EPA funding. EPA
expects to select up to 40 pilot projects by May 2000. EPA must receive
the pilot proposals on or before March 10, 2000.
TITLE: USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines
for Organic Data Review
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA540-R-99-008, PB99-963 506
This document is designed to offer guidance on Contract Laboratory
Program (CLP) organic analytical data evaluation and review. It is
intended to assist in the technical review of analytical data generated
through the CLP. This document applies to both the multi-media,
multi-concentration, and the low-concentration analytical services.
TITLE: Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration Organic Analytical Service for
Superfund (OLM04.2)
ORDER NO.: OSWER 9240.0-088-FSD
This fact sheet summarizes the Organic Analytical Service (OLM04.2) and
includes a brief description of the intended data uses this service
supports, target analysis and quantitation limits, methods and
instrumentation used to perform the analysis, quality assurance, quality
control, and performance monitoring activities conducted by EPA.
TITLE: Multi-Media, Multi-Concentration Inorganic Analytical Service for
Superfund (ILM04.0)
ORDER NO.: OSWER 9240.0-09-FSC
This fact sheet summarizes the Inorganic Analytical Service (ILM04.0)
and includes a brief description of the intended data uses this service
supports, target analysis and quantitation limits, methods and
instrumentation used to perform the analysis, quality assurance, quality
control, and performance monitoring activities conducted by EPA.
TITLE: Low Concentration Organic Analytical Service for Superfund (Water
Matrix) (OLC02.1)
ORDER NO.: OSWER 9240.0-32-FSA
This fact sheet summarizes the Low Concentration Organic Analytical
Service (OLC02.1) and includes a brief description of the intended data
uses this service supports, target analysis and quantitation limits,
methods and instrumentation used to perform the analysis, quality
assurance, quality control, and performance monitoring activities
conducted by EPA.
All Programs
TITLE: Enforcement Alert, Volume 2, Number 10
EPA ORDER NO.: EPA300-N-99-017
This document contains a discussion on the airline industry and EPA's
self-policing policy, as well as other federal regulations that may
apply to airlines.
Federal Registery Availability
You may order copies of all major RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA Federal
Registers by calling the Hotline.
RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA National Toll-Free No.: (800) 424-9346
Local: (703) 412-9810 TDD National Toll-Free No.: (800) 553-7672
Electronic Availability
Federal Registers from October 1994 to the present related to the
Hotline's program areas are accessible via EPA's Public Access Servers.
The servers are accessible at:
EPA Federal Registers are organized by date on the WWW (starting from
October 1994).
Go to:
For RCRA/UST and selected CERCLA Federal Registers, choose: EPA - Waste.
For selected EPCRA Federal Registers, choose: EPA - TRI.
For CAA Section 112(r) Federal Registers, choose: EPA - Air.
Final Rules
"Revisions to Guidelines for the Storage and Collection of Residential,
Commercial, and Institutional Solid Waste"
December 17, 1999 (64 FR 70602)
EPA revised the guidelines for the storage and collection of
residential, commercial, and institutional solid waste to incorporate by
reference new voluntary consensus standards from the American National
Standards Institute (ANSI). The rule will be effective on March 17,
2000, unless adverse comments are received.
"National Priorities List; Baxter/Union Pacific Railroad Tie Treating
December 6, 1999 (64 FR 68052)
Notice of Deletion
"National Priorities List; Monticello Radioactive Contaminated
Properties Site"
December 30, 1999 (64 FR 73423)
Notice of Deletion. This direct final rule will be effective February
28, 2000, unless EPA receives significant adverse or critical comments
by January 31, 2000.
Proposed Rules
"Proposed Exclusion from the Definition of Solid Waste; Hazardous Waste
Management System; Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste"
December 9, 1999 (64 FR 68968)
EPA proposed to grant a variance from EPA's hazardous waste
requirements for certain materials reclaimed by the World Resources
Company (WRC) from metal-bearing sludges. Comments must be received by
February 7, 2000.
"Revisions to Guidelines for the Storage and Collection of Residential,
Commercial, and Institutional Solid Waste"
December 17, 1999 (64 FR 70666)
EPA proposed to revise the guidelines for the storage and collection of
residential, commercial, and institutional solid waste. EPA codified
these revisions as an immediate final rule elsewhere in this Federal
Register. If EPA receives adverse comments on the immediate final rule,
EPA will withdraw it. EPA will then address public comments in a later
final rule based on this proposal.
"National Priorities List; Monticello Radioactive Contaminated
Properties Site"
December 30, 1999 (64 FR 73460)
Notice of Intent to Delete
"Phosphoric Acid; Community Right-to-Know Toxic Chemical Release
December 7, 1999 (64 FR 68311)
On April 15, 1999, the United States District Court for the District of
Columbia reversed EPA's denial of a petition that The Fertilizer
Institute (TFI) submitted to the Agency to delete phosphoric acid from
the EPCRA Section 313 list of toxic chemicals. In response to the
Court's actions, EPA is proposing to delist phosphoric acid from the
reporting requirements under EPCRA Section 313 and Section 6607 of the
Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 (PPA). Written comments must be
received by EPA on or before February 7, 2000.
"Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment
Request; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action
Information Request "
December 16, 1999 (64 FR 70242)
EPA planned to submit the following information collection request
(ICR) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB): RCRA Corrective
Action Information Request (EPA ICR No. 1939.01). Comments must be
submitted on or before January 7, 2000.
"Agency Information Collection Activities OMB Responses"
December 16, 1999 (64 FR 70243)
EPA announced OMB's responses to Agency clearance requests, in
compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act and announced all
collections of information must display a valid OMB control number.
"Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request; RCRA Section 3007 Questionnaire of the Paint
Manufacturing Industry"
December 20, 1999 (64 FR 71135)
EPA planned to submit the following ICR to OMB: RCRA Section 3007
Questionnaire of the Paint Manufacturing Industry. Comments must be
submitted on or before January 19, 2000.
"Superfund Redevelopment Pilot Program; Notice"
December 10, 1999 (64 FR 69366)
In support of the Superfund Redevelopment Initiative, EPA will accept
proposals for the Superfund Redevelopment Pilot Program from the date of
this notice until March 10, 2000. EPA is selecting pilot projects that
will help political subdivisions within a state enhance their
involvement in the Superfund decision-making process. Each pilot chosen
may receive up to $100,000 of EPA funding. EPA expects to select up to
40 pilot projects by May 2000. In order to be considered, a local
government must submit its completed proposal to EPA on, or before March
10, 2000.
"Interim Guidance on the CERCLA Section 101(10)(H) Federally Permitted
Release Definition for Certain Air Emissions; Notice"
December 21, 1999 (64 FR 71614)
EPA is seeking comments on its interim guidance on the CERCLA Section
101(10)(H) federally permitted release definition for certain air
emissions. The interim guidance is published as an appendix to this
notice. Comments must be submitted on or before February 22, 2000.
"Agency Information Collection Activities; Toxic Chemical Release
Reporting; Submission of ICR No. 1363.09 to OMB"
December 28, 1999 (64 FR 72657)
In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et
seq.), this document announces that the Information Collection Request
(ICR) entitled: "Toxic Chemical Release Reporting," (EPA ICR No.
1363.09; OMB Control No. 2070-0093) has been forwarded to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval pursuant to the OMB
procedures in 5 CFR 1320.12. Additional comments may be submitted on or
before January 27, 2000.
"Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request; Spills Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans"
December 2, 1999 (64 FR 67566)
EPA forwarded to OMB the following ICR for review and approval: Spill
Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC), OMB control no.
"Proposed Administrative Settlement; Carolina Creosoting Corporation
December 2, 1999 (64 FR 67568)
"Proposed Administrative Settlement; Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman Regional
Study Area"
December 2, 1999 (64 FR 67568)
"Consent Decree; United States v. N.L. Industries, et al."
December 2, 1999 (64 FR 37587)
"Proposed Prospective Purchaser Agreement; Circle Smelting Corporation
Superfund Site"
December 7, 1999 (64 FR 68352)
"Consent Decree; United States. v. Chemspray Inc., et al "
December 7, 1999 (64 FR 68374)
"Consent Decree; United States v. General Electric Company"
December 7, 1999 (64 FR 68374)
"Consent Decree; United States v. Green Mountain Power Corporation, et
December 7, 1999 (64 FR 68374)
"Consent Decree Comment Period Extension; United States v. Bay Chemical
Company, et al."
December 8, 1999 (64 FR 68701)
"Consent Decree; United States v. Nassau Metals Corporation"
December 8, 1999 (64 FR 68702)
"Consent Decree; United States v. BP Amoco PLC, et al."
December 14, 1999 (64 FR 69784)
"Proposed Prospective Purchaser Agreement; Mechanic Street Realty
Corporation Superfund Site"
December 15, 1999 (64 FR 70020)
"Proposed Administrative Settlement; Hercules Incorporated Superfund
December 15, 1999 (64 FR 70021)
"Consent Decree; United States and State of Arkansas v. Aircraft
Services Int., Inc., et al."
December 16, 1999 (64 FR 70285)
"Consent Decree; United States v. GAF Corp., et al."
December 16, 1999 (64 FR 70285)
"Consent Decree; United States v. Jane Doe, as Executrix of the Estate
of Edmund Barbera, et al."
December 16, 1999 (64 FR 70285)
"Consent Decree; United States v. Viacom International Inc./Pacific
Communications, Inc., et al."
December 16, 1999 (64 FR 70286)
"Proposed Administrative Settlement; Saco Municipal Landfill Superfund
December 20, 1999 (64 FR 71137)
"Proposed Administrative Settlement; Crews Plating Superfund Site"
December 21, 1999 (64 FR 71454)
"Consent Decree; United States v. Alkemix Thirty-Seven, Inc.,
Rhone-Poulenc Ag. Company, Inc.
December 21, 1999 (64 FR 71498)
Consent Decree; United States v. Exxon Corporation, et al.
December 21, 1999 (64 FR 71499)
Proposed Administrative Settlement; Groveland Wells Nos. 1 and 2
Superfund Site
December 23, 1999 (64 FR 72079)
Proposed Administrative Settlement; Pyridium Mercury Disposal Superfund
Sites #1 & #2
December 30, 1999 (64 FR 73551)
Proposed Administrative Settlement; South Bay Asbestos Site
December 30, 1999 (64 FR 73552)
This month, the Hotline responded to a total of 10,845 questions and
document requests.
Caller Profile
RCRA/UST Hotline
Regulated Community 1,862
Citizens 200
State & Local Government 82
Native Americans 5
Federal Agencies 39
Educational Institutions 62
EPA 82
Media 8
Interest Groups 48
Congress 1
International 2
Other 95
Referrals* 240
Transfers to EPCRA/Superfund Hotline* 53
Document Retrieval Line* 10
Message Retrieval Line* 90
Mailed Document Requests* 5
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act/Superfund Hotline
Food/Tobacco 11
Textiles 0
Apparel 0
Lumber & Wood 0
Furniture 0
Paper 0
Printing & Publishing 2
Chemicals 67
Petroleum & Coal 17
Rubber and Plastics 5
Leather 0
Stone, Clay & Glass 0
Primary Metals 4
Fabricated Metals 20
Machinery (Excluding Electrical) 1
Electrical & Electronic Equipment 0
Transportation Equipment 0
Instruments 0
Misc. Manufacturing 25
Metal Mining 15
Coal Mining 0
Electricity Generating 10
RCRA Subtitle C 1
Solvent Recovery 0
Petroleum Bulk Storage 32
Chemical Distributor 0
Propane Retailer 40
Subtotal 285
Consultants/Engineers 1,325
Attorneys 40
Citizens 57
Public Interest Groups 27
Educational Institutions 25
EPA 28
Federal Agencies 40
Congress 0
State Officials/SERC 30
Local Officials/LEPCs 5
Fire Departments 6
Hospitals/Laboratories 5
Trade Associations 2
Union/Labor 0
Farmers 9
Distributors 50
Insurance Companies 3
Media/Press 5
Native Americans 2
International 1
Other 78
Referrals* 94
Transfers to RCRA/UST Hotline* 90
Document Retrieval Line* 0
Message Retrieval Line* 115
*No caller profile data available.
Hazardous Waste Id. - General 676
Characteristics 322(1)
Listings 264
Mixture Rule 69(1)
Derived-From 37(1)
Contained-In Policy 113
Sampling 24
Solid and Hazardous Waste Exclusions 211
Radioactive Mixed Waste 26
Delisting Petitions 10
Definition of Solid Waste/Hazardous
Waste Recycling 407(1)
Large Quantity Generators 486(1)
Small Quantity Generators 109
CESQGs 100
Transporters 84
Exports/Imports 13
General Facility Standards 158
Unit Standards 225
Air Emissions 64
Combustion - General 35
BIFs 20
Incinerators 20
Draft Strategy 2
Waste Minimization 25
Applicability 97
Notifications/Certification 52
Treatment Standards 140
Permits and Permitting 156
State Programs 78
Financial Assurance 21
Closure/Post-Closure 38
Corrective Action 205(1)
Enforcement 99
Hazardous Waste Data 49
Test Methods 66
Indian Lands 5
Used Oil Standards 193
Military Munitions 15
Ash 0
Bevill Amendment (Mining Waste) 10
Medical Wastes 87
Oil and Gas 8
Household Hazardous Wastes 52
Subtitle D - General 126
Technical Standards 14
Industrial Wastes 31
Municipal Wastes 46
Indian Lands 0
Financial Assurance 0
Solid Waste Recycling/Markets -
General 207
Aluminum 2
Batteries 23
Glass 0
Paper 2
Plastics 9
Tires 13
Used Oil 10
Composting 3
Procurement 17
Source Reduction/Pollution Prevention 85
Grants and Financing 6
* Includes 1,796 RCRA document requests.
General/Misc. 57
Applicability/Definitions 51(1)
Regulated Substances 6
Closure 20
Previously Abandoned Tanks 9
1998 Deadline 12
Standards for New Tank Systems 7
Upgrading 7
Release Detection 13
Reporting Requirements 7
Operating Requirements 4
Financing/Grants/Loans 6
Private Sector Initiative 0
AST Interface 0
Corrective Action 8
Financial Responsibility 7
Enforcement (cleanup) 11
Enforcement (operational) 4
State Programs 4
Indian Lands 0
Technologies 0
Solvency/Cost Controls 0
Trust Fund 1
Pay for Performance 0
UST Fields 0
Lender Liability 0
* Includes 52 UST document requests.
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
General Title III Questions 220
Trade Secrets 5
Training 3
Chemical-Specific Information 17
Federal Facilities Executive Order 1
Emergency Planning (Sections 301-303):
General 33
Notification Requirements 6
SERC/LEPC Issues 7
EHSs/TPQs 10
Risk Communication/Hazards Analysis 2
Exemptions 4
Enforcement 6
Emergency Release Notification (Section 304):
General 39
Notification Requirements 45
Reportable Quantities 53
CERCLA Section 103 vs. SARA Section 304 25
Exemptions 4
Enforcement 13
Hazardous Chemical Reporting
(Sections 311-312)
General 124
MSDS Reporting Requirements 69
Tier I/II Requirements 192(1)
Thresholds 61(1)
Hazard Categories 5
Mixtures Reporting 13
Exemptions 45
Enforcement 27
Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (Section 313):
General 207
AFR 15
Reporting Requirements 187
Thresholds 166
Form R Completion 147(1)
Supplier Notification 12
Voluntary Revisions 52
Pollution Prevention 33/50 2
Public Access to Data 21
TRI Database 11
Petitions 0
TRI Expansion 49
Exemptions 64
Enforcement 38
CAA (Section 112(r)):
General Duty 19
RMP General 398
Regulated Substances/Thresholds 225(1)
Exemptions 147
Process Identification 33
Program Levels 12
Offsite Consequence Analysis 122(1)
Accident History 0
Prevention Program 8
Emergency Response Program 6
Management Program 1
RMP Submission 85
Access to RMP Data 102(1)
Risk Communication 128
State Implementation 6
RMP Enforcement 20
*Includes 551 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know document
General/Misc. 214
Access & Information Gathering 6
Administrative Improvements:
General 7
Environmental Justice/Brownfields 90
SACM/Presumptive Remedies 2
Soil Screening Levels 6
Administrative Record 2
ARARs 42
Citizen Suits 0
Claims Against Fund 9
Clean-Up Costs 16
Clean-Up Standards 51
Community Involvement 9
Contract Lab Program (CLP) 9
Contractor Indemnification 0
Contracts 1
Definitions 9
Enforcement 44
Federal Facilities 0
Hazardous Substances 34
HRS 16
Liability 52
Local Gov't Reimbursement 0
Natural Resource Damages 6
NCP 16
Notification 83
NPL 42(1)
Off Site Rule 5(1)
PRPs 11
Reauthorization 2
Remedial 27
Removal 0
RI/FS 32
Risk Assess./Health Effects 55
ROD 23
RQ 28
Settlements 17(1)
SITE Program 0
State Participation 0
State Program 6
TAGs 0
Taxes 2
Special Topics
Oil Pollution Act 2
SPCC General 75
SPCC Applicability 82
Definitions 45
SPCC Plan Requirements 21
SPCC Regulatory Revisions 15
SPCC Secondary Containment 31
SPCC Other 1
FRP 11
Oil Spill Liability 0
Oil Spill Enforcement/Penalties 0
Oil Spill Notification 10
Oil Spill Info./ERNS 4
Oil Spill Response 7
NCP Product Schedule 4
Oil Spill Response Technologies 3
*Includes 406 Superfund document requests.
Total Hotline Questions and Document Requests: 10,845
(1) Hot topics for this month
Topics are calculated as the summation of all questions received by the
Hotline. A single call may result in multiple questions.
Ways to save money AND help the environment:
Eat healthier AND save money: Instant Pot Duo Crisp 11-in-1 Air Fryer and Electric Pressure Cooker Combo with Multicooker Lids that Fries, Steams, Slow Cooks, Sautés, Dehydrates
Save water AND money with this showerhead adapter, it lets the water flow until the water is hot, then shuts off water flow until you restart it, ShowerStart TSV Hot Water Standby Adapter
Protect your health with these:
Mattress Dust mite-Bedbug protector, 100% Waterproof, Hypoallergenic, Zippered
Handheld Allergen Vacuum Cleaner with UV Sanitizing and Heating for Allergies and Pet, Kills Mite, Virus, Molds, True HEPA with Powerful Suction removes Hair, Dander, Pollen, Dust,
Immune Support Supplement with Quercetin, Vitamin C, Zinc, Vitamin D3
GermGuardian Air Purifier with UV-C Light and HEPA 13 Filter, Removes 99.97% of Pollutants
5 Stage Air Purifier, Features Ultraviolet Light (UVC), H13 True Hepa, Carbon, PCO, Smart Wifi, Auto Mode, Quiet, Removes 99.97% of Particles, Smoke, Mold, Pet Dander, Dust, Odors
Interesting Reads:
THE PREPPER'S CANNING & PRESERVING BIBLE: [13 in 1] Your Path to Food Self-Sufficiency. Canning, Dehydrating, Fermenting, Pickling & More, Plus The Food Preservation Calendar for a Sustainable Pantry
The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Paperback
The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards: A Guide to Understanding Geologic Hazards Including Asbestos, Radon, Swelling Soils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
Book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History Paperback