Free Enforcement Publications for Environmental & Safety Regulations
Environmental & Safety Enforcement Publications
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- Compliance-Focused Environmental Management System-Enforcement Agreement Guidance (EPA 330/9-97-002) This document presents key elements for a compliance-focused EMS model and how they may be incorporated into a settlement agreement. This document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. You will need to download the Acrobat Reader to view and print.
- Multi-Media Investigations Manual
This manual (EPA 330/9-89/003R) was last revised in March 1992. A new version is not planned at this time. However, it is important to remember that many laws, regulations and procedures have changed since the manual's publication. 650k, pdf file
- FY 1994-97 Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Accomplishments Reports Available in Adobe Acrobat or WordPerfect formats.
- EPA Sector Notebooks
A link to the index of Sector Notebooks, all of which can all be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat PDF. A separate notebook for selected major industrial groups, including the Pulp and Paper, Electronics and Computers and Metal Finishing Industries has been developed by the EPA Office of Compliance. These notebooks focus on key indicators that present air, water, and land pollutant release data.
- Summary of Completed Criminal Prosecutions. This ZIP file contains six WordPerfect documents. The documents list cases through May 1992. Additional updates will be forthcoming as they become available. Once you download the file to your computer, use an unZIPping utility to access the files which can then be brought into a word processor.
- Protecting Your Health & The Environment Through Innovative Approaches to Compliance pdf file
- Enforcement Alert - Compliance with Permitting Critical to Clean Air Act Goals
- EPA Sector Notebooks - Profile of the Aerospace Industry
- EPA's Y2K Enforcement Policy
- [email protected] Now Available
- Terms of Environment: Glossary, Abbreviations and Acronyms.
- Facilities May Have Annual Toxics Release Inventory Reporting Requirements for Nitrate Compounds (March 2000)
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- EPA Steps Up Enforcement of Diesel, Gasoline Nonroad Engine Imports (February 2000)
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- Foundry Industry's Hazardous Waste Management of Major Concern to U.S. EPA (February 2000)
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- Airlines Must Comply With Federal Fuel Standards, Stormwater and Spill Prevention Requirements, and Report Emergency Releases (November 1999)
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- Proper Monitoring Essential to Reducing 'Fugitive Emissions' Under Leak Detection and Repair Programs (October 1999)
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- EPA Takes Enforcement Actions Against Violators Who Ditch Wetlands and Channelize Streams (September 1999)
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- EPA Promotes Corporate-Wide Audits Through Voluntary Agreements (August 1999)
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- Facilities Urged to Review Systems for Risk of Check or Butterfly Valves Safety Hazards (August 1999)
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- Y2K: Is Your Facility Ready? Regulated Entities Have an Obligation to Prevent Hazardous Releases (August 1999)
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- Aquarium and Pond Chemicals May Require Federal Registration, Labeling as Pesticides (April 1999)
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- EPA Settles First SDWA Penalty Case Against Federal Facility for $900,000 (February 1999)
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- Petroleum Refineries: Compliance with RCRA Requirements Critical to Protecting Public Health, Environment (April 1999)
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- Compliance with Permitting Critical to Clean Air Act Goals (January 1999)
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