EPA RCRA (Hazardous Waste) Orientation Manual - Download It Free Here

EPA RCRA (Hazardous Waste) Orientation Manual - Download It Free Here

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RCRA Orientation Manual

This manual provides introductory information on solid and hazardous waste management programs under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Also addressed is the basic framework of the RCRA regulatory program for new EPA and state employees, those new to RCRA, and others interested in the Act in seven sections: introduction to RCRA, managing solid waste - RCRA Subtitle D, managing hazardous waste - RCRA Subtitle C, managing underground storage tanks, RCRA Subtitle I, miscellaneous statutory provisions (such as procurement guidelines), RCRA and its relationship to other environmental statutes, and public involvement in RCRA. Appendices include a hazardous waste manifest, land disposal restriction notification requirements, underground storage tank notification form, glossary, acronyms and abbreviations, EPA organization chart, and environmental contacts.

About. . .

The manual consists of 28 Adobe Acrobat PDF Files; download them individually below. Or, download a .zip file containing the entire manual here.

Executive Summary
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [311K]

Table of Contents
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [115K]

Section I: Introduction to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [368K]

Section II: Managing Solid Waste - RCRA Subtitle D
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [1000K]

Section III: RCRA Subtitle C - Managing Hazardous Waste
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [243K]

Section IV: Managing Underground Storage Tanks - RCRA Subtitle I
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [814K]

Section V: Miscellaneous Statutory Requirements
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [110K]

Section VI: RCRA and its Relationship to Other Environmental Statutes
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [262K]

Section VII: Public Participation
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [344K]

Appendix A: Hazardous Waste Manifest
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [351K]

Appendix C: Notification for Underground Storage Tanks
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [55K]

Appendix B: Land Disposal Restriction Notification Requirements; Appendix D: Glossary; Appendix E: Acronyms and Abbreviations; Appendix F: OSW Organizational Chart; Appendix G: Environmental Contacts
Adobe Acrobat PDF File [351K]

NOTE: Current OSW Organizational Chart Updates -- Appendix F

ehso horizontal rule

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