Rules and Regulations
On-site Sewage Management Systems
Chapter 290-5-26 Georgia Department of Human Resources
Division of Public Health
Environmental Health and Injury Control Branch
Environmental Services
Table of Contents
Portable Sanitation: 511-3-6
Brochure for Event Organizers/Construction Site Owners
Septic Tanks: 511-3-1
Inspections - Illustrated Field Guide and Equivalency Factors
for On-Site Sewage Management Systems Rules - Updated
June, 2019
Technical reference guide for the siting, design, permitting, inspecting, and troubleshooting of
residential septic tanks.
View the Manual by section:
of Contents/Introduction
A – Rules and Regulations
B – General Site Provisions
C – Soil Information
D – Pretreatment
E – Effluent Distribution and Dosing Devices
F – Dispersal Systems
G – Experimental On-site Sewage Management Systems
H – Site Modifications
I – Septage Removal and Disposal
J – Sewage Flow Schedule
K – Field Inspections
L – Operation and Maintenance
M – Lot Sizing
N – Certification
O – Appendices
and Waiver Request Form ( Instructions
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XII. 290-5-26-.12 Grease Traps
(1) "Grease Traps Required" - Grease traps shall be required for commercial or industrial establishments with on-site sewage management systems where it is determined by the County Board of Health that the amount of grease introduced into the system is in excess of 50 mg/l.
(2) "Grease Trap Design" - Plans and specifications for grease traps shall be submitted to the County Board of Health for approval. The County Board of Health shall review the grease trap design in accordance with minimum design and construction criteria established by the Department's current Manual for On-site Sewage Management Systems. Effluent from grease traps shall be disposed of in a septic tank and not directly discharged to the absorption field. Grease traps shall be located, installed and constructed so that the temperature of the sewage will be reduced to permit congealing or separation of grease, and easy access for cleaning is provided.
Legal Authority: O.C.G.A. Sections
V. 290-5-26-.05 Septic Tanks
(1) "Minimum Design and Construction" - Septic tanks shall provide a minimum of 24 hours of retention and shall be designed and constructed to equal or exceed minimum design and construction criteria established by the Department as published in the current Manual for On-site Sewage Management Systems. After the effective date of these regulations, any person seeking approval of septic tanks to be used in on-site sewage management systems, shall submit detailed plans and specifications for tank manufacture and other information as may be required by the Department. Manufacturers and suppliers may be subject to periodic inspection, and approval by the County Board of Health or the Department. Six months after the date of the adoption of these regulations, both the inlet and outlet tees shall be NSF International schedule 40 PVC or equivalent. In addition, an approved filter shall be installed on the outlet end of the septic tank in compliance with the Manual for On-site Sewage Management Systems.
(2) "Location" - No septic tank shall be installed less than fifty feet (50') from existing or proposed wells/springs, sink holes, or suction water lines, and tanks shall be located downgrade from wells or springs if physically possible; less than twenty-five feet (25') from lakes, ponds, streams, water courses, other impoundments; less than ten feet (10') from pressure water supply lines, or less than ten feet (10') from a property line. No septic tank shall be installed less than fifteen feet (15') from a drainage ditch or embankment. Septic tanks shall be installed so as to provide ready access for necessary maintenance. Normally, the distance a septic tank should be located from a building foundation is at least ten feet (10') but, lesser distances may be allowed by the County Board of Health. The County Board of Health, after site inspection, may require greater separation distances than cited herein due to unusual conditions of topography, or other site configuration; subsurface soil characteristics and/or groundwater interference.
(3) "Capacity" - Twelve months after the date of the adoption of the regulations for on-site sewage management systems, the liquid capacity of septic tanks for single family dwellings shall be one thousand (1000) gallons for one, two, three or four bedrooms, and 250 additional gallons for each bedroom over four. Septic tank capacity shall be increased by fifty percent where garbage grinders are to be used. Auxiliary systems serving single family residences or other facilities shall be based on the maximum daily flow.
(4) "Compartmented Tanks" -- Twelve months after the adoption of these regulations for on-site sewage management systems, two compartment tanks shall be required. The first compartment shall be at least 2/3 the liquid capacity of the tank.
(5) "Tanks in Series" - The County Board of Health may approve the installation of two septic tanks placed in series provided that the capacity of the first tank is at least one thousand (1000) gallons and at least equal to the capacity of the second tank. When tanks in series are used, they shall be connected with a sealed sewer line, and all sewage shall initially enter the first tank.
(6) "Foundation and Backfill" - Septic tanks will be constructed or installed level, on a foundation that will prevent settling; backfill shall be placed so that a stable fill results and undue strain on the tank is avoided. Earth backfill shall be free of voids, large stones, stumps, broken masonry, or other such materials. A minimum earth cover of six inches (6") over the tank is recommended. With proper documentation the County Board of Health may approve less cover. All openings and manholes shall be constructed so as to prevent the entrance of surface water.