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Search the EHSO - Environmental Health & Safety Online Guidance Pages

Search the Internet

Our favorite internet search engines. Google is still the best!

1. Google

2. Yahoo

3. Excite

4. MSN

5. Dogpile

6. Altavista

7. using InfoSeek:

Type a specific question, phrase or Name.

8. Nerdworld

Search Nerd World :

9. Lycos
10. Metacrawler - very thorough

Query Language

The text search engine allows queries to be formed from arbitrary Boolean expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For example:

information RCRA
finds documents containing 'land ban' or 'RCRA'
hazardous or RCRA
same as above
hazardous and RCRA
finds documents containing both 'hazardous' and 'RCRA'
hazardous not RCRA
finds documents containing 'hazardous' but not 'RCRA'
(hazardous not RCRA) and DOT
finds documents containing 'DOT', plus
'hazardous' but not 'RCRA'
finds documents containing words starting with 'generat'
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Revised: July 27, 2007.

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