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Our favorite internet search engines. Google is still the best!
1. Google
2. Yahoo
3. Excite
4. MSN
5. Dogpile
6. Altavista
7. using InfoSeek:
Metacrawler - very thorough
The text search engine allows queries to be formed from arbitrary Boolean expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For example:
- information RCRA
- finds documents containing 'land ban' or 'RCRA'
- hazardous or RCRA
- same as above
- hazardous and RCRA
- finds documents containing both 'hazardous' and 'RCRA'
- hazardous not RCRA
- finds documents containing 'hazardous' but not 'RCRA'
- (hazardous not RCRA) and DOT
- finds documents containing 'DOT', plus
'hazardous' but not 'RCRA'- generat*
- finds documents containing words starting with 'generat'