============================================ Sphider - a lightweight search engine in PHP CHANGELOG By Ando Saabas ando(a t)cs.ioc.ee ============================================ Sphider 1.3.4, release date 29-04-2008 An XSS vulnerability bug fixed (Ando Saabas) Sphider 1.3.4b, release date 11-12-2007 Bug in file download function fixed (Viorel Irimia) Bug with possible bold tag bleeding in result titles fixed (Ando Saabas) Index all does not load keyword table multiple times any more (Ando Saabas) Bug with certain searches returning too many results fixed (Ando Saabas) Sphider 1.3.3, release date 15-09-2007 Sphider now also works on ports other than default 80 (Ando Saabas) By default socket connectability checking removed (Ando Saabas) "Url must contain option" now an OR option instead of AND( Ando Saabas) "Duplicate entry" bug fixed (Ando Saabas) Limit max title size in search results (Tec) A bug in "not" words query fixed (Ando Saabas) Sphider 1.3.2, release date 28-07-2007 Indexing speed improvements (Ando Saabas) Bug with > sign in title fixed (Ando Saabas) Accent conversion bug fixed (Ando Saabas) Bug with accented characters in suggest fixed (Tec) Other minor bug fixes (Ando Saabas) Czech language file added (Marek Èapla) Sphider 1.3.1f, release date 17-03-2007 "Did you mean" string no longer hardcoded in templates (Ando Saabas) Formatting bug due to extra in template fixed (Ando Saabas, Frank Carius) Sphider can now find links which are given via the base tag (Jason Judge) Serbian language file added (Aleks) Slovenian language file added (Damir Kervina) Some minor bug fixes (Ando Saabas) Sphider 1.3.1e, release date 22-11-2006 Problem with reaching urls where trailing slash after domain has been omitted fixed (Ando Saabas) Sphider 1.3.1d, release date 10-11-2006 Spaces in urls are now treated properly (Ando Saabas) Script now also works with short tags turned off (Ando Saabas) Turksih language file added (Ibrahim Kaplan) Sphider 1.3.1c, release date 30-08-2006 Bug with unique word counting fixed (Adam Schneider) Latvian language file added (Kaspars) Sphider 1.3.1b, release date 07-06-2006 Security related bugfixes (Ando Saabas) Sphider 1.3.1, release date 21-05-2006 Stemming support added for English. Uses the stemming algorithm by Martin Porter, implemented in PHP by Richard Heyes (Ando Saabas) As-you-type search suggestions added (a la Google Suggest). Uses the Suggest Framework (http://sourceforge.net/projects/suggest) (Tanel Tõnnisson) "Did you mean" spelling suggestions added (Ando Saabas) Several major speed optimizatios for both indexing and searching (Ando Saabas) Optional domain grouping implemented, such that no more than 2 results from each domain are displayed (a la Google) (Ando Saabas) Session ID-s can now be stripped from urls (Ando Saabas) Database tab in admin section for backing up and optimizing the database (Manu Arponen, Ando Saabas) Security bugfixes (Ando Saabas) Farsi language file added (Sepehr Esmaeili) Sphider 1.3, release date 21-02-2006 Changes: Some minor bugfixes (Ando Saabas) Russian language file added (Thanks to Mihail Korobov) Sphider 1.3 RC2, release date 10-12-2005 Changes: Indexing words with more than 30 characters does not produce a "duplicate entry" warning any more (Ando Saabas) Multiple searches with an apostrophe in keywords now possible (Ando Saabas) Bug with highlighting words with a '+' in front of them fixed (Ando Saabas) Slovak language file added (Fedor Tirsel) Traditional Chinese language file added (Benny) Sphider 1.3 RC1, release date 03-12-2005 Changes: Update of look and feel of admin section (Ando Saabas, Rich Pedley) Configuration of Sphider settings now possible through admin section (Albert Bohlmeijer, Ando Saabas) Indexing results logging into files now possible (Ando Saabas) Spidering notice can be sent to admin e-mail (Ando Saabas) Outputting spidering results to standard out can be turned off (Ando Saabas) Showing categories can be turned off in conf file (Ando Saabas, Albert Bohlmeijer) Possibility to set a minimum delay between file downloads (eg to keep from spamming the server with too frequent requests) (Ando Saabas) Simple template system introduced, searching and result presentation completely separeted (Tanel Tõnnisson, Ando Saabas) Language file format changed to a more sensible one (Ando Saabas) Some missing stripslashes added in admin section (Maxxer) Bug when digging an url from meta refresh tag fixed (Maxxer) Apache fancy indexing paramaters are now ignored (Manu Arponen, Ando Saabas) Wrappers added for indexing powerpoint and excel files (Manu Arponen) Bug with trailing backslashes at url ends fixed. Sphider 1.2.7c, release date 03-11-2005 Changes: A bug with OR searches fixed. Simple Chinese language file added (thanks to Ben). French language file added (thanks to Dan Delsol). Arabian language file added (thanks to Marzook Alshammary). Sphider 1.2.7b, release date 21-10-2005 Changes: Swedish language file added (thanks to Mikael Brodin). Polish language file added (thanks to Michal Charko). Bulgarian language file added (thanks to Martin Halachev). Sphider 1.2.7, release date 29-09-2005 Changes: Support for indexing pdf and doc files via external binaries added. Stopwords are not highlighted in page summary any more. Sphider 1.2.6a RC1, release date 27-06-2005 "Reindex all" now works properly even when indexing parameters haven't been set. Argument variables argv and argc now accessed through $_SERVER superglobal. Empty disallow field in robots.txt treated properly. & tags in urls now converted to &. Italian language file added (thanks to Stefano Paganini). Sphider 1.2.6 RC1, release date 20-06-2005 "Reindex all" option both from command line and admin interface. Indexing options saved with the rest of the site data (used when reindexing). When phrase searching, only the full search phrases in search results are coloured. Possibility to define url must include/must not include string/regular-expression list for a site. Reindexing now checks if a page status has been changed and deletes it from the index if necessary. Some code cleanup. Sphider 1.2.5a RC1, release date 25-05-2005 Indexing and searching numbers is now possible (set in conf.php). Sphider 1.2.5 RC1, release date 13-05-2005 Changes: Support for rel="nofollow" attribute in links. Url scheme is now saved in the database, so indexing https pages is possible. Meta descriptions can now be used as page description in results page (set in conf.php). Meta keywords can now be indexed and weight assigned to them. Advanced search form added (can be set in conf.php). OR search added (available via advanced search form). Output by the script is always flushed (immediate feedback in browser). Category list can now have an arbitrary number of columns (set in conf.php). Results and categories page more customizble via css. Main search page renamed from index.php to search.php. German language file added (thanks to Sascha Kuhn). Portuguese language file added (thanks to Static Bit). Some minor bugfixes. Sphider 1.2.3 RC1, release date 27-03-2005 Changes: Possibility to add an arbitrary prefix to Sphider tables in Mysql (thanks to Albert Bohlmeijer). Bug where opened socket was not closed fixed (thanks to Albert Bohlmeijer). Dutch language file added (Jeroen de Bruijn). Reindexing improved. Indexing words in domain name and path now added as an option (turned off by default). Word weight calculation algorithm changed. A bug with calculating page size when page is over 1Mb fixed. Fixed a bug which could prevent words with non-western characters from being indexed. Indexing speed improved. Sphider 1.2.2, release date 20-03-2005 Changes: MD5 sum of each page is checked upon adding them to the database to avoid duplicate entries (eg due to aliases such as http://www.domain.com/ vs. http://www.domain.com/index.html). Authentication changed to session-based. Phrase searching now works with magic_quotes_gpc = On. Fixed a small bug in HEAD query. Fixed some charset issues. Sphider 1.2.1, release date 09-03-2005 Changes: Browsing through multiple search result pages does not increase search count anymore. Spidering now works with allow_url_fopen = Off. Correct reporting of response timeout from server. Handles http code 302 properly. Reporting of http codes in spidering log. Fixed a minor bug with displaying empty brackets when $show_query_scores was turned off (thanks to Shdwdrgn). Sphider 1.2 RC 1, release date 24-02-2005 Changes: Many improvements and new features in Administrator tools Option to exclude parts of pages from being indexed (for example menus appearing in each page) via and tags. Spanish language file (thanks to Claudio Tavares Mastrangelo) Many small fixes and improvements. Sphider 1.1.0, release date 28-01-2005 Changes: Install script added. Bug in calculating the order of pages when searching for multiple words fixed. HTTP query header improved. Deleting categories and sites removes all unnecessary data. Database sometimes not being updated when re-indexing bug fixed. Empty array sorting with certain queries bug fixed. Some HTML and CSS changes and improvements. Internationalization of the search script (language files).