OSHA Fact Sheets - All subjects available for download - Free from EHSO

OSHA Fact Sheets - All subjects available for download - Free from EHSO

Fact Sheets Table of Contents by Subject

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Fact Sheets, InfoSheets and Hazard Alerts

1-Bromopropane: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert
(OSHA 3676 - 2014) (English: HTML PDF)

Abrasive Blasting: Protecting Workers from the Hazards of Abrasive Blasting Materials Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3697 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Aerial Lifts Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Aerial Lifts: Using Aerial Lifts Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Agriculture Safety: All-Terrain Vehicle Hazards during Farm Work Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3758 - 2015) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3894 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Agriculture Safety: Emergency Preparedness for Farmworkers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3870- 2016) (English: PDF)

Agriculture Safety: Preventing Farm Vehicle Backover Incidents Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3840 - 2015) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3893 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Agriculture Safety: Protecting Workers from Tractor Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3835 - 2015) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3892 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Agriculture: Safe Use of Tripod Orchard Ladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3728 - 2014) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3891 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Alliance - OSHA Alliance Program Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS 3645 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Amputation: Preventing Cuts and Amputations from Food Slicers and Meat Grinders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3794 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Amputations Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3508 - 2012) (English: PDF)

Asbestos Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3507 - 2014) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3737 - 2014) (Spanish: PDF)

Asbestos: Protecting Workers from Asbestos Hazards Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Asbestos: Protecting Workers from the Hazards of Asbestos-Containing Flooring Material Maintenance Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3693 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Avian Flu Fact Sheet
(2006) (English: HTML PDF)
(2006) (Spanish: HTML PDF)

Beryllium: Medical Surveillance for Beryllium-Exposed Workers Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3822 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Beryllium: Protecting Workers from Exposure and Beryllium Compounds; Final Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3821 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Beryllium: Stakeholder Participation and Changes to the Proposed Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3906 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Black Widow Spider Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)
(2010) (Spanish: HTML PDF)

Bloodborne Pathogens - Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Incidents Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Bloodborne Pathogens - Hepatitis B Vaccination Protection Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Bloodborne Pathogens - OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Bloodborne Pathogens - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Reduces Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Bloodborne Pathogens - Protecting Yourself When Handling Contaminated Sharps Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3519 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Brown Recluse Spider Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)
(2010) (Spanish: PDF)

Brownfield Site Cleanup and Redevelopment Fact Sheet
(2008) (English: HTML PDF)

Carbon Monoxide Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3522 - 2012) (English: PDF)

Catheters: Securing Medical Catheters Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Chainsaws: Working Safely with Chainsaws Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)
(Spanish: PDF)

Challenge Pilot Fact Sheet
(2004) (English: HTML PDF)

Circuit Breakers: Incorrectly Refurbished Circuit Breakers Hazard Alert
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Cleaning Chemicals: OSHA/NIOSH Protecting Workers Who Use Cleaning Chemicals InfoSheet
(OSHA 3512 - 2012) (English: PDF)

Cleanup Hazard Fact Sheet
(English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3602 - 2012) (Portuguese: PDF)

Combustible Dust Explosions Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Combustible Dust: Protecting Workers from Combustible Dust Explosion Hazards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3878- 2016) (English: PDF)

Compliance Assistance Fact Sheet
(2008) (English: HTML PDF)

Confined Space Safety on Commercial Fishing Vessels Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Confined Spaces in Construction: Crawl Spaces and Attics Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3787) NOTE: this fact sheet is under revision. For information on confined spaces in the construction industry, visit our Confined Spaces web page. (English: HTML)

Confined Spaces in Residential Construction Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3914 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Confined Spaces: Atmospheric Testing in Confined Spaces Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Confined Spaces: Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan? Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3849 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Consultation Program Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Corporate Pilot Fact Sheet
(2006) (English: HTML PDF)

Cotton Press: Fatal Facts
(OSHA 3679 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Subpart CC: Wire Rope - Inspection
(OSHA FS 3635 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Assembly and Disassembly, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(English: HTML PDF)

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Operator Qualification and Certification, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(English: HTML PDF)

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Qualified Rigger, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(2010) (English: HTML PDF)

Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Signal Person Qualification, Subpart CC Fact Sheet
(2010) (English: HTML PDF)

Crowd Management Safety Guidelines for Retailers Fact Sheet
(2012) (English: PDF)

Crystalline Silica Fact Sheet
(2003) (Spanish: PDF)

Decontamination Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)
(2010) (Spanish: PDF)

Demolition Fact Sheet
(English: HTML PDF)

Diesel Exhaust: OSHA/MSHA Hazard Alert - Diesel Exhaust/Diesel Particulate Matter
(OSHA 3590 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Disaster Cleanup and Recovery PPE Matrix Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3898 - 2016) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3899 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Ebola: Cleaning and Decontamination of Ebola on Surfaces Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3756 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Ebola: Cleaning and Decontamination of Ebola on Surfaces Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3773 - 2015) (Spanish: PDF)

Ebola: OSHA/NIOSH/EPA Fact Sheet - Safe Handling, Treatment, Transport and Disposal of Ebola-Contaminated Waste
(OSHA FS 3766 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Ebola: PPE Selection Matrix for Occupational Exposure to Ebola Virus
(OSHA FS 3761 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Electric Power: Electrical Protective Equipment Requirements
(OSHA 3875 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Electric Power: Fall Protection Requirements
(OSHA 3874 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Electric Power: Major Changes to the Rule
(OSHA 3872 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Electric Power: Minimum Approach Distance, Information Transfer and Training Requirements
(OSHA 3873 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Electrical Hazards: Working Safely Around Downed Electrical Wires Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3941 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Electrical Safety Hazards of Overloading Cable Trays Fact Sheet
2006 (English: HTML PDF)

Electricity: Working Safely with Electricity Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3942 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Emergency Exit Routes Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3943 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Emergency Management: Planning & Responding to Workplace Emergencies Fact Sheet
(2004) (English: HTML PDF)

Employers: New Businesses Fact Sheet
(2002) (English: HTML PDF)

Employers: New Businesses Fact Sheet (Spanish)
(2002) (Spanish: PDF)

Ethylene Oxide Fact Sheet
(2002) (English: PDF)

Evacuating High-Rise Buildings Fact Sheet
(2003) (English: PDF)

Eye Protection against Radiant Energy during Welding and Cutting in Shipyard Employment
(OSHA FS 3499 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3588 - 2012) (Spanish: PDF)

Eyewash: Health Effects from Contaminated Water in Eyewash Stations InfoSheet
(OSHA 3818 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Fall Prevention Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3545 - 2012) (Polish: PDF Add to Cart)
(OSHA 3549 - 2012) (Russian: PDF)
(OSHA 3534 - 2012) (Spanish: HTML PDF)

Fall Prevention Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3533 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)

Fall Protection in Residential Construction Fact Sheet
2010 (English: HTML PDF)

Fall Protection Safety for Commercial Fishing Fact Sheet
2011 (English: HTML PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Installing Standing Seam Metal Roofs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3502 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3578 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Re-Roofing Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3579 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls during Residential Construction: Erecting Exterior and Interior Walls
(OSHA FS 3554 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3581 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls during Residential Construction: Floor Joist Installation and Decking
(OSHA FS 3555 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3582 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Installing Roof Trusses Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3477 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3574 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Installing Tile Roofs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3478 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3575 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Re-Roofing Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3503 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Roof Repair Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3479 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3576 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls During Residential Construction: Roof Sheathing Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3501 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3577 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Fall Protection: Reducing Falls during Residential Construction: Working in Attics
(OSHA FS 3553 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA FS 3580 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Federal Employees: Occupational Safety and Health for Federal Employees Fact Sheet
(2006) (English: HTML PDF)
(2002) (Spanish: PDF)

Fire Ants Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)
(2010) (Spanish: PDF)

Fire Safety Fact Sheet
(2002) (English: PDF)

Flood Cleanup Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3471 - 2005) (English: PDF)
(Spanish: PDF)

Flu: Influenza in Workers and Pigs - Guidance for Commercial Swine Farmers and Pork Producers Fact Sheet
(2010) (English: HTML PDF)

Flu: Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Fact Sheet - Important Protection for Healthcare Workers Fact Sheet
(2007) (English: HTML PDF)

Formaldehyde Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Formaldehyde: Hair Smoothing Products That Could Release Formaldehyde - Hazard Alert
(2011) (English: HTML PDF)
(2011) (Spanish: PDF)
(2011) (Vietnamese: PDF)

Fungi Hazards and Flood Cleanup Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

General Industry Walking-Working Surfaces and Fall Protection; Final Rule Fact Sheet
(FS-3903-2016) (English: PDF)

Generator Safety: Grounding Requirements for Portable Generators Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Generator Safety: Using Portable Generators Safely Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Grain Bins: Dangers of Engulfment and Suffocation in Grain Bins Hazard Alert
(English: PDF)

Grain Bins: Worker Entry into Grain Storage Bins Fact Sheet
(2010) (English: PDF)

Hand Hygiene and Gloves in Hurricane-Affected Areas Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Hazard Communication Standard: Dec. 1st, 2013 Training Requirements for the Rev. Standard Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3642 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Hazard Communication Standard: Labels and Pictograms - Brief
(OSHA BR-3636 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Hazard Communication Standard: Safety Data Sheets - Brief
(OSHA BR-3514 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Hazard Communication: Hazard Communication in the Maritime Industry Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3694 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Hazard Communication: Steps to an Effective Hazard Communication Program for Employers That Use Hazardous Chemicals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3696 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Fact Sheet
(English: HTML PDF)

Heat Hazards: Working Outdoors in Warm Climates Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Heat Illness: Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat Fact Sheet
This fact sheet provides information to employers on measures they should take to prevent worker illnesses and death caused by heat stress. 3 pages
(OSHA FS -3743 - 2014) (English: HTML PDF)

Heat Safety Fact Sheet (Oil & Gas/Construction)
(OSHA 3656 - 2011) (English: PDF Add to Cart)

Heat Safety Illustrated, Low-Literacy Fact Sheet (Construction/Agriculture)
Every year, thousands of workers become sick from heat exposure on the job. Illustrated for low-literacy workers, this fact sheet communicates how heat illness can be prevented with three simple words--water, rest and shade. 2 pages
(OSHA 3422 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Heat Safety Illustrated, Low-Literacy Fact Sheet (Construction/Agriculture) (Spanish)
(OSHA 3423 - 2011) (Spanish: PDF Add to Cart)

Hexavalent Chromium: Controlling Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium in Aerospace and Air Transport Painting
(OSHA FS 3650 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Hexavalent Chromium: Controlling Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3647 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Hexavalent Chromium: Controlling Hexavalent Chromium Exposures during Electroplating
(OSHA FS-3648 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Hexavalent Chromium: Health Effects of Hexavalent Chromium Fact Sheet
(2006) (English: HTML PDF)

Hexavalent Chromium: Hexavalent Chromium Hazards in Bridge Painting
(OSHA FS-3649 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Hispanic Outreach Fact Sheet
(2007) (English: HTML PDF)

Hospital Safety : Integrating Patient and Workplace Safety Programs. Lessons --CMS Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3730 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Hospital Safety : Worker Safety in Your Hospital. Know the Facts--CMS FactSheet
(OSHA 3689 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Hospital Safety: How Safe is Your Hospital for Workers? A Self-Assessment--CMS
(OSHA 3690 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Hospital Safety: How Safe is Your Hospital for Workers? Learn More--CMS FactSheet
(OSHA 3688 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Hospital Safety: Safe Patient Handling Programs, Effectiveness--CMS Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3729 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Human Remains: Health and Safety Recommendations for Workers Who Handle Human Remains Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Human Remains: Workers Handling Human Remains Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: PDF)

Hydrogen Sulfide Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Inspections Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3783 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Internal Combustion Engines as Ignition Sources Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3589 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)

Isocyanates: Do You Have Work-Related Asthma? A Guide for You and Your Doctor Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3707 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Keeping Workers Safe during Disaster Cleanup and Recovery Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3698 - 2013) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3699 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Autoclaves/Sterilizers Quick Facts
(OSHA 3405 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3460 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Centrifuges Quick Facts
(OSHA 3406 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Chemical Fume Hoods Quick Facts
(OSHA 3407 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3461 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Cryogens and Dry Ice Quick Facts
(OSHA 3408 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Electrical Hazards Quick Facts
(OSHA 3409 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Ergonomics for the Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3462 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Labeling and Transfer of Chemicals Quick Facts
(OSHA 3410 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Latex Allergy Quick Facts
(OSHA 3411 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Noise Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3463 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Laboratory Safety: OSHA Laboratory Standard Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3464 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Laboratory Safety: Working with Small Animals Quick Facts
(OSHA 3412 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Extension Ladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3660 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Job-made Wooden Ladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3661 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Stepladders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3662 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Lead Hazards Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: HTML PDF)

Lead Hazards: Protecting Workers at Indoor Firing Ranges Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3772 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Lead in Construction Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: PDF)

Lightning Safety: OSHA/NOAA Fact Sheet - Lightning Safety When Working Outdoors
(OSHA FS 3863- 2016) (English: PDF)

Lockout/Tagout Fact Sheet
(2002) (English: PDF)
(2002) (Spanish: PDF)

Longshoring: Freeing Inoperable Semi-Automatic Twist Locks (SATLs) in Longshoring
(OSHA FS-3583 - 2012) (English: PDF)

Longshoring: Preventing Semi-Tractor Driver Injuries during Container Lifting Operations Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3858- 2016) (English: PDF)

Lyme Disease Alert Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Marine Terminal Fall Protection for Personnel Platforms Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3960 - 2018) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3961 - 2018) (Spanish: PDF)

Marine Terminals: Radio Communication in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(2007) (English: HTML PDF)

Marine Terminals: Safely Performing Hot Work on Hollow or Enclosed Structures in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3732 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Marine Terminals: Servicing Multi-Piece and Single-Piece Rim Wheels in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3654 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Marine Terminals: Work Safety Zones for On-Dock Container Rail Operations in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3711 - 2014) (English: HTML PDF)

Mercury: Protecting Workers from Mercury Exposure While Crushing and Recycling Fluorescent Bulbs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3535 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)

Methylene Chloride: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert - Hazards for Bathtub Refinishers
(OSHA 3623 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Mold Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: PDF)

Mold Hazards during Disaster Cleanup
(OSHA FS-3713 - 2013) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3901 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Motor Vehicle Safety Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Nanotechnology: Working Safely with Nanomaterials
(OSHA FS-3634 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

NIOSH/OSHA Fact Sheet: Preventing Workplace Violence Against Taxi Cab Drivers NEW
(OSHA 3976 - 2019) (English: PDF)

Noroviruses Fact Sheet
(2008) (English: PDF)

Oil and Gas: Health and Safety Risks for Workers Involved in Manual Tank Gauging and Sampling at Oil and Gas Extraction Sites Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA 3843- 2016) (English: PDF)

OSHA Penalty Adjustments To Take Effect After August 1, 2016 Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3879- 2016) (English: PDF)

OSHA's Crystalline Silica Rule: Overview Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3683 - 2016) (English: PDF)

OSHA's Crystalline Silica Rule: Stakeholder Participation and Changes to the Standards
(OSHA FS 3848 - 2016) (English: PDF)

OSHA's Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard for General Industry and Maritime Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS 3682 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Pandemic: Protecting Workers during a Pandemic Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3747 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Personal Protective Equipment Fact Sheet
(2000) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3603 - 2012) (Portuguese: PDF)
(2010) (Spanish: PDF)

Powered Platforms Fact Sheet
(2002) (English: PDF)

Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals Fact Sheet
(2002) (English: PDF)
(2002) (Spanish: PDF)

Process Safety Management: The Use of Metrics in Process Safety Management (PSM) Facilities Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3896 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Recordkeeping: Highlights of OSHA's Reporting and Recordkeeping Rule Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3744 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Reporting: New Reporting Requirements Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3745 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Reporting: OSHA's Recordkeeping Rule Update - Who Keeps Records Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3746 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire Infosheet
(OSHA 3789 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Respirators: Start-Up Oxygen in CSE SR-100 Self-Contained Self-Rescuers OSHA Alert
(2012) (English: PDF)

Restroom Access for Transgender Workers, Best Practices
(OSHA 3795 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Roof Tarping (Blue Roof) Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3926 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Root Cause: The Importance of Root Cause Analysis During Incident Investigation Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3895 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Safe Baggage Handling at Cruise Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3924 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Safe Housekeeping and Sanitation Practices Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3871 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Sandbags: Filling, Moving and Placing Sandbags During Flooding Disasters Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)
(2010) (Spanish: PDF)

SARS Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Scaffolding: Narrow Frame Scaffolds Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3722 - 2014) (English: HTML PDF)

Scaffolding: Ladder Jack Scaffolds Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3857- 2016) (English: PDF)

Scaffolding: Tube and Coupler Scaffolds - Erection and Use Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3759 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Scaffolding: Tube and Coupler Scaffolds - Planning and Design Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3760 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Scissor Lifts: Working Safely with Scissor Lifts Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA 3842 - 2016) (English: PDF)

Search and Rescue Operations Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: PDF)

Shipboard Pedestal Crane Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3913 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Shipbreaking Fact Sheet
(2001) (English: PDF)
(2002) (Spanish: PDF)

Shipyard Employment Hazards during the Repair and Maintenance of Refrigeration Systems on Vessels Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3836 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Shipyard Employment: Evaluating Shipyard Competent Person Programs Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3923 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Final Rule Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML)

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Lockout/Tags-Plus Coordinator and Log Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML)
(OSHA FS 3882 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Medical Services and First Aid Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML)

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Motor Vehicle Safety Equipment, Operation and Maintenance Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML)

Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Sanitation Fact Sheet
(2011) (English: HTML)

Shipyard Employment: Hazards Associated with Spray Painting in Shipyard Employment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3897 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Shipyard Employment: Personal Protective Equipment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3951 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Shipyard Employment: Safe Use of Portable and Hand-Held Power Tools Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3950 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Shipyards: Guidelines for Safely Entering and Cleaning Vessel Sewage Tanks Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3587 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Shipyards: Safe Lighting Practices in the Shipyard Industry Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3677 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Shipyards: Safely Performing Hot Work on Hollow or Enclosed Structures in Shipyards Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3586 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Crushing Machines Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3935 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Dowel Drilling Rigs for Concrete Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3930 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Drivable Saws Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3928 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Fiber-Cement Board Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3927 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld and Stand-Mounted Drills Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3630 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld Grinders for Mortar Removal (Tuckpointing) Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3632 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld Grinders for Tasks Other Than Mortar Removal Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3628 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld Power Saws Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3627 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Heavy Equipment and Utility Vehicles Used During Demolition Activities Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3936 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Heavy Equipment and Utility Vehicles Used for Grading and Excavating Tasks Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3937 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Jackhammers or Handheld Powered Chipping Tools Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3629 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Large Drivable Milling Machines (Half Lane and Larger) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3934 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Overview of Standard Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS 3681 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Rig-Mounted Core Saws or Drills Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3929 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Small Drivable Milling Machines (Less than Half Lane) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3933 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Stationary Masonry Saws Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3631 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Vehicle-Mounted Drilling Rigs for Rock and Concrete Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3931 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Walk-Behind Milling Machines and Floor Grinders Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3932 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Walk-Behind Saws Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3633 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Silica: Exposure to Silica during Countertop Manufacturing, Finishing and Installation Hazard Alert
(OSHA HA-3768 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Silica: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert - Worker Exposure to Silica during Hydraulic Fracturing
(OSHA 3566 - 2012) (English: HTML PDF)
(OSHA HA-3567 - 2012) (Spanish: PDF)

Silica: Silica Exposure during Hydraulic Fracturing InfoSheet
(OSHA 3622 - 2012) (English: PDF)

Snow Removal: Falls and Other Hazards to Workers Removing Snow from Rooftops and Other Elevated Surfaces
(OSHA 3513 - 2017) (English: PDF)

Solutions for Tree Care Hazards
(OSHA 3940 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Spirometry: OSHA/NIOSH Spirometry InfoSheet
A spirometry breathing test shows how well you can move air in and out of your lungs. Testing may be performed on workers who perform jobs that may cause exposure to possible lung hazards, are physically demanding, or require wearing a respirator. The test shows how well you can move air in and out of your lungs. Spirometry testing is required for some workers by OSHA standards.
Developed by OSHA and NIOSH. Available online only.
(OSHA 3415 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Spirometry: OSHA/NIOSH Spirometry Worker Info
(OSHA 3418 - 2011) (English: HTML PDF)

Spud Barge Safety Fact Sheet
(2009) (English: PDF)

Strategic Partnership Program Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS 3734 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Temporary Workers: Recommended Practices: Protecting Temporary Workers
(OSHA 3735 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Toluene: Toluene Safety in the Workplace InfoSheet
(OSHA 3646 - 2013) (English: HTML PDF)

Traffic Lanes and Personnel Safety Zones Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3540 - 2012) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3922 - 2017) (Spanish: PDF)

Training: OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS 3709 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Training: Resource Center Loan Program
(OSHA FS-3739 - 2014) (English: PDF)

Tree Care Work Hazards - Hazard Bulletin
(OSHA HB 3731 - 2014) (English: EPUB HTML MOBI PDF Add to Cart)
(OSHA HB 3740 - 2014) (Spanish: EPUB HTML MOBI PDF Add to Cart)

Tree Trimming Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Trenching and Excavation Safety Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3476 - 2011) (English: PDF)

Variance Fact Sheet
(2009) (English: PDF)

Voluntary Protection Programs Fact Sheet
(2009) (English: PDF)

West Nile Virus Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: PDF)
(2005) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection for Commercial Motor Vehicle Workers Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3946 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection for Consumer Product Industry Workers Fact Sheet
(2010) (English: PDF)
(2010) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection for Employees in the Aviation Industry Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3670 - 2008) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3671 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection for Public Transportation Agency Workers Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3876 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection for Railroad Workers Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3945 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3490 - 2011) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3723 - 2014) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection: Health Privacy and OSHA Whistleblower Complaints Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3947 - 2018) (English: PDF)

Whistleblower Protection: OSHA's Whistleblower Protection Program Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA FS-3638 - 2018) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3655 - 2018) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower Protections and the Environment Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3668 - 2008) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3669 - 2013) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under Section 11(c) the OSH Act of 1970 Fact Sheet Revised
(OSHA 3812 - 2018) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3841 - 2018) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Clean Air Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3784 - 2015) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3830 - 2015) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3813 - 2015) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3829 - 2015) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3785 - 2015) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3831 - 2015) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Safe Drinking Water Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3786 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Seaman's Protection Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3762 - 2018) (English: PDF)
(OSHA 3977 - 2019) (Portuguese: PDF)
(OSHA 3782 - 2018) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Solid Waste Disposal Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3815 - 2015) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3833 - 2015) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Toxic Substances Control Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3814 - 2015) (English: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Affordable Care Act Revised
(OSHA FS 3641 - 2014) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3712 - 2014) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3720 - 2014) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS-3721 - 2014) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3714 - 2014) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3715 - 2014) (Spanish: PDF)

Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP21) Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3716 - 2016) (English: PDF)
(OSHA FS 3717 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Work Zone Traffic Safety Fact Sheet
(2005) (English: PDF)

Workers: OSHA Requirements When a Worker Experiences a Job-Related Injury or Illness Fact Sheet
(English: PDF)

Working Safely While Repairing Intermodal Containers in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS-3626 - 2013) (English: PDF)

Workplace Violence Fact Sheet
(2002) (English: PDF)
(2002) (Spanish: PDF)

Young Workers Fact Sheet (being revised)
(2005) (English: PDF)

Zika Virus: Interim Guidance for Protecting Workers from Occupational Exposure to Zika Virus Fact Sheet
(OSHA 3855 - 2017) (English: PDF)
(OSHA 3856 - 2016) (Spanish: PDF)

Zika Virus: Preventing and Managing Laboratory Worker Exposure to Zika Virus Fact Sheet
(OSHA FS 3917 - 2017) (English: PDF)

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Ways to save money AND help the environment:

Eat healthier AND save money: Instant Pot Duo Crisp 11-in-1 Air Fryer and Electric Pressure Cooker Combo with Multicooker Lids that Fries, Steams, Slow Cooks, Sautés, Dehydrates

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Interesting Reads:

THE PREPPER'S CANNING & PRESERVING BIBLE: [13 in 1] Your Path to Food Self-Sufficiency. Canning, Dehydrating, Fermenting, Pickling & More, Plus The Food Preservation Calendar for a Sustainable Pantry

The Backyard Homestead: Produce all the food you need on just a quarter acre! Paperback

The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards: A Guide to Understanding Geologic Hazards Including Asbestos, Radon, Swelling Soils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes

The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming

Book: The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History Paperback

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